17 Terrific Tips to Promote Positive Energy

17 Terrific Tips to Promote Positive Energy

17 Terrific Tips to Promote Positive Energy

Positive energy is contagious. People want to be around others who generate this attractive aura. It is a magnet. Viewing situations and desired outcomes with a can-do attitude improves problem solving and productivity. It is both a mindset and a cultivated skill. Here are 17 tips to promote positive energy in your universe.

  1. Start each day by stating, “I’m going to make a positive difference in the lives of others.”
  2. Walk with a spring in your step and a smile on your face.
  3. When speaking face-to-face with a person, look directly in his eyes.  Undivided attention uplifts and inspires.
  4. Don’t take anything personally. Know that whatever others say, do, think, or feel, it’s not about you.
  5. Eliminate or distance yourself from negative people in your life. That includes family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Protect yourself from harmful karma.
  6. Focus on something meaningful outside of yourself – charity, church, community.
  7. Don’t get sucked into others’ drama. Just listen and empathize.
  8. Notice something you like about a person. Give a compliment.
  9. When in line at a store, invite people with few items to go in front of you.
  10. Stretch, walk, and move to get your physical energy in gear.
  11. Use positive affirmations. I am good. I am generous. I am successful. I am happy. I am productive. I am patient. I am smart. I am kind.
  12. Setbacks are normal.  Reflect, learn, and move forward.
  13. Ask for help. Let others know you trust them.
  14. Avoid judging others. Be generous in spirit.
  15. Make lists to get things accomplished. Cross off completed tasks and feel the achievement.
  16. Unclutter your spaces – car, office, home. Your mind will unclutter as well.
  17. Meditate or simply be still and breathe deeply for just 5 minutes each day. Think peace, love, and harmony.

 Emily Huling, CIC, CMC helps the insurance industry create top-performing sales, service, and leadership organizations. She can be contacted at emily@sellingstrategies.com.

 She is the author of Great Service Sells, Selling from the Inside, and Kick Your ‘But.’ For information on learning materials and consulting services and to subscribe to her free monthly newsletter, visit www.sellingstrategies.com.


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