Category: <span>Articles</span>

What Makes a Sales Superstar?

It’s always a pleasure to observe sales success in action. Although every accomplished salesperson has his or her individual personality and style, there are common qualities all possess.

Sales superstars believe in themselves. Failure does not exist. Instead, the superstar says, “I made a mistake, what did I learn?” “How can I use my new knowledge to go on and succeed?” Thomas Edison believed in himself. After nearly 10,000 futile attempts to invent the light bulb, Mr. Edison was asked, “How can you go on after you have failed thousands of times?” “My good man,” Mr. Edison replied, “I have simply found 10,000 ways the light bulb will not work.”

Sales superstars are fearless. Being rejected is no fun. What differentiates the sales superstar is the ability to move through the fear of possible rejection by asking, “What’s the worst thing that will happen?” “What’s the best thing that will happen?” “What probably will happen?” Think back to the last sales call you resisted and yet completed. How did you feel? Just this week, I moved through the sales call fear, reached the decision maker on the first attempt (unbelievable!), and was hired for the engagement as if he were waiting for my call. To think I was actually considering not making the call!

Sales superstars make decisions. What product will best satisfy your client? What strategy will solidify the client relationship and gain the outcome your client expects? What pricing strategy will meet the financial considerations of the buyer? Identify the pros and cons in a given situation, make a sound choice, and move forward with your sales strategy.

Sales superstars always put the client first. The true test of a star salesperson is the ability to focus on what’s in the client’s best interest. Many sales organizations have sales contests and promotions. Closing an order on a certain date or using a specific vendor may mean rewards for the salesperson. But is it the right decision for the client? When a salesperson focuses only on what’s in the client’s best interest, that’s good business practice – increased sales follow.

Sales superstars have positive attitudes. We all have negative thoughts. The key word is thoughts – not reality. The superstar continually eliminates negative thoughts by introducing positive ones. Supportive thoughts come from coworkers, friends and family, motivational authors and speakers. Review your client list or recent successes to reaffirm your accomplishments. Surround yourself with positive information at all times.

How many of these qualities describe you? If you want to increase your sales success, work on developing these traits and you’ll see significant results.

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355

What Does Your Behavior Say About You?

During a recent visit to a client’s office, I was standing outside of a customer service associate’s cubicle, out of sight, ready for our meeting. She was just finishing a telephone call. When she hung up from the call, she said to no one in particular, “What a jerk! That customer is the biggest pain in the rear.” I peered around the corner. “Oh, hi Emily! Is it our meeting time?” We headed down the hall to a small conference room.

Kelly and I had met several other times over the past year to work through her time management and workload challenges. This meeting was to be a quick update on her progress.

Kelly said things were going great. She was staying organized, meeting deadlines, and making time to research issues herself instead of interrupting others. I asked her if there was anything else I could help her with. “No, everything’s great!” she said. I asked, “How about that customer you just spoke with. Tell me about that situation.”

She told me George was a long-time client, who frequently called with questions. I delved a little deeper and learned George is a small business owner who juggles many plates. He has grown to rely on Kelly for answers. Kelly said that his questions are legitimate, but thinks he should research the answers himself. She has sent him the necessary information to do that. Other than that, George was a good, profitable client for her company.

I couldn’t resist saying, “So you’re complaining that you do a good job for George, which is why he’s calling you, and that’s annoying to you? That’s like saying this is a nice place to work except for all the clients I have to work with!” I wondered, did Kelly realized what she was saying?

Kelly justified herself by telling me that she’s certain George has no idea how she feels. She says even with her “closet” attitude, George always gets courteous and prompt service.

While I find that hard to believe, I decided not to press that point. Instead I asked her how she thought her loud verbal statement after the call (calling George a jerk) reflected on her. “What do you mean reflects on me?” she asked. I said, “How do your coworkers view you after hearing your unprofessional comments about a client?” That got her attention and we talked for quite awhile about professional behavior.

Moral to the story: Everything we do creates an impression. It’s up to us to decide if we want people to have a bad or good impression. Mind your actions and behavior even when you think no one is paying attention.

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355

Take Charge of Your Time

A friend of mine, Sally, works in a very busy service operation. She handles a steady stream of both walk-in and telephone customers as well as managing a heavy load of paperwork and e-mails. Sally has always been proud of the rapport she has built with regular customers and considers many of them her friends.

The other day, Sally called me extremely frustrated. She said her boss told her that she was spending too much time with customers. “On one hand,” she tells me, “he expects me to give outstanding service. At the same time, he’s telling me to keep it short and get the business done. How can he have it both ways?”

Sally’s not alone in her predicament. Efficiently servicing an assigned group of customers with whom you’ve built friendships can be a challenging assignment. Sally said, “Please give me a few pointers that could help me manage my time and still provide my usual friendly, personalized service” This is what I told her.

Get organized. Walk-in traffic and ringing telephones need to be dealt with immediately, so it’s easy to be reactive and simply stay busy with what’s coming at you. But that style won’t get the paperwork done. I suggested to Sally that she organize her paperwork so that when she’s not directly communicating with customers, she can refocus quickly and do what needs to be done. Create weekly and daily to-do lists. Daily to-do lists are best done at the end of the workday, when what you have to do tomorrow is fresh in your mind. Make that list and keep it visible. Knowing that the list is there will also psychologically help to keep conversations short since you’ll know what’s waiting to be done.

Delegate when possible. I’ve found one challenge in doing business with friends is that one has the tendency to want to do that work themselves. What customers want is to have their work done promptly and accurately. It’s important to delegate what work you can to those who should be doing it. Be supportive of the business relationship your friend will have with your associate. All parties will benefit when this happens, and you’ll find extra time in the workday.

Set up customer meetings with agendas. Since walk-in business is time consuming and people end up waiting to be helped, some customers may welcome the opportunity to set an appointment with a start and finish time. Create an agenda for the meeting. Armed with the agenda and prepared for the meeting, these face-to-face meetings can be both friendly and productive. Doing this will also help you plan your daily schedule.

Use the proper method of communication. Each customer situation can require a different strategy. E-mail is quick, but not very personal. The telephone is personal, but oftentimes with a talkative customer, not very efficient. Leaving a voice mail message can be quick and more personal than e-mail. E-mail shouldn’t be used when the communication is complex and will require a back and forth dialogue. Since there are no written rules as to which method to use when, know your customer and the issue to be dealt with to determine the best way to communicate.

Minimize interruptions. It’s easy to be distracted in a busy office. Overhearing other’s conversations and then volunteering to help, or taking an unscheduled break to hear about someone’s personal or business issue can lead to a lot of unproductive time. Each person must self-monitor where he or she spends time. Pay attention to where the time goes and take corrective action to make the workday productive. If coworker interruptions are recurring, it may pay to talk it over with your supervisor.

Time management challenges are unique to each individual. Finding the solution requires each person to personally examine his or her work patterns, and then commit to making changes.

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355

How to Bring Buyers to You

Why do buyers choose to do business with one person and not another? Why are some salespeople held in high regard while others are considered peddlers? What does a salesperson do to keep the phone ringing?

Before you look for a wise genie to answer these questions, read on. The answers come by following a four-step process that will bring buyers to you.

Step 1. Be identifiable. Do your buyers know who you are and what you do? Is your logo, letterhead, and website representative of what you do? Have you established a personal brand, personal style, and personal expertise? Here’s an exercise to determine if you have an identifiable brand. Using a blank sheet of paper, begin writing your personal biography. In addition to your business experience and achievements, include items of note about your family, hobbies, and interests. Are you personally involved in your community, your customers’ associations, and civic organizations? Buyers must be able to recognize you by sight, name, or association. Being active and visible demonstrates commitment and professionalism.

Step 2. Be interested. Once buyers recognize you, the next step is to get to know your buyers personally and professionally. Here’s another exercise. On a blank sheet of paper, list your five top prospects. Complete their personal biographies. How did you do? For prospects and clients to want to know more about you and the products and services you offer, you must first be interested in and know about them. Harvey Mackay’s best-selling book Swim with the Sharks contains his list of 66 questions to help salespeople learn about those they do business with. Knowing people personally is what creates long-term business relationships.

Step 3. Demonstrate how you can help. It’s expected that you know about your products and services, but can you translate what you offer into how it benefits the buyer? To turn the features of what you offer into benefits to the buyer, make a list of product and company characteristics. Consider quality, turnaround, payment terms, expert staff, and so on. Use this model to turn product features into buyer benefits. “Our _________ benefits the buyer because” For example, our expert staff improves our customer’s bottom-line by providing consistent, quality products eliminating downtime and double work. Translate characteristics into buyer benefits to help the customer see how you and your company can make a difference in their organization.

Step 4. Tell them why. Why should you earn the customer’s business? Again, using a blank sheet of paper, list ten reasons why customers should do business with you. Do the answers flow from your pen, or are you struggling? If you as the salesperson can’t recite these reasons, how can the buyer? One way to complete this exercise is to finish this sentence, “My customers tell me the reason they do business with me and my company is”. Consider customer-service success stories, value-added programs, and guarantees and warranties. Verbal testimonials such as this allow prospects to relate to how you’ve helped others.

To lead buyers to you, be identifiable, be interested, demonstrate how you can help, and tell them why others do business with you. Like anything else, to achieve success it’s up to you to take the first step.

Killer “Be’s” Make Sales

When I picked up the phone, an excited voice said, “Emily, I just landed a huge account. I can’t believe it!”

My friend continued, “Competition was fierce. I knew my proposal wasn’t the lowest price offered, so I asked my new client why he decided to award his business to me. He said he gave me the order because several months ago I had sent him an article from the Wall Street Journal. The article discussed what businesses like his, an independent grocery store chain, can do to survive in a break-neck competitive environment. He said I had offered him more value in my courting relationship with him than his present supplier had under contract. Wow, that value-added, low-profile visibility contact really works!”

Low-profile visibility contact, what’s that? There are four fundamental low-key sales principles, when used continuously, that enable you take business away from the competition. They are the four killer (sales) “be’s”:

Be unforgettable. What are you doing to make yourself memorable to your best clients and prospects? Sending articles pertinent to their business as my client did, being visible at industry events, and having a pre-planned schedule of courtesy calls on your calendar can make the difference when your proposal is in a dead heat with your competition.

One of my clients created an Excel spreadsheet listing her clients and hot prospects in the left column and the months of the year across the top. She has entered in the trade shows, account service commitments, mailings to send (including newsletters and birthday cards), and phone contacts for each month for the year. She carries the chart with her and looks over it frequently to remind herself whom she can drop in to see or what special something she can do to enhance their business or personal lives.

Be believable. One of the top reasons prospects award their business to particular vendors is the high level of trust they have for the sales person. When the trust relationship continues, the business relationship does also.

Consultative selling is what will differentiate you from the competition. Assessing the clients’ individual needs and giving them sound advise, even if it means not getting the sale (this time), is the highest form of salesmanship. We all like to think our product or service is suffering from the stiffest competition in the land. With technology, people’s preferences and company strategies are changing quickly and dramatically. It’s just a matter of time until the market situation changes for you and your product or service. If you always give your prospects and clients sound, honest advice to help them in their businesses, in the long term your sales success day will come.

Be dependable. This is such a basic selling point, but when ignored it can undermine all other sales efforts. Be sure all phone calls, voice mail messages, and e-mail messages are returned and acknowledged in a timely manner. Twenty-four hours is the longest someone should have to wait for a response. Follow through when you say you will. Most sales are made after the fourth prospect contact. What this means is that it may take ten attempts to reach your prospect to make these four contacts. Don’t give up! A good automated contact management system will keep your contact calls on track. These reminders, when heeded, will gently encourage you to make that call. I can’t remember all the times I wanted to stop calling a prospect, yet decided to make that call because of my contact management system alarm feature. When I heard the prospect say “I was just thinking about you,” I knew it had been wise to put those doubts aside. Perseverance and dependability also demonstrate to the prospect how you will handle his or her business after the sale.

Be approachable. What is your image in the minds of your prospects and clients? This trait can be hard to self-assess. One of my clients shared with me that they just placed a large piece of business with one of their companies, who met their unique specifications, but were put off by the arrogant selling attitude of the firm. When the market shifts, my client may move that business unless the vendor changes his attitude.

Don’t assume your client knows of your regard for his business. Do whatever it takes for you to appreciate the hurdles your clients face in their industries, then show your concern. Commiserate with their challenges and share their successes. Not only will you retain their business, you will receive referrals and earn a good reputation in your own industry.

Be unforgettable, believable, dependable, and approachable to achieve the sales success you desire. Are you able to incorporate these principles into your sales philosophy? Or is the competition still stinging you?

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355

How easy are you to do business with?

“BMW Service, good morning.”
“Hello,” I said. “I’d like to bring my car in for service.”
“What kind of car do you have?”
“A BMW,” I reply.
“Do you know your vehicle identification number?”
I laugh. “No, I don’t. Do you know yours?”
She laughs. “No, I don’t.”
I go on, “Why don’t you just ask me my name?”
“OK. What’s your name?”
“Emily Huling.” I spell it for her.
“Oh, there you are and there’s all your vehicle information!”

I couldn’t resist asking her why she didn’t ask me my name in the first place. She told me BMW requires that she get all the vehicle information. I told her that if she first determines whether the caller has ever used their service, she’d be able to bring up all the information immediately. She replied, “We don’t do it that way.”

Just another example of how good intention (obtaining accurate information) can interfere with a customer’s ease of doing business. Frequently each of us encounters customer service situations that could be improved. Here are some examples of service trouble spots with suggestions on how to ease customers’ business dealings.

Telephone automation. Automated reception and individual voice mailboxes still lead the list of customer frustration. Callers want to have access to a live person. The trend in business today is to do away with automated answering systems. I have clients who tell me that live telephone reception has actually earned them business. If you have an automated answering system, have someone unfamiliar with your business and system test it and report on his or her experience. Make the necessary changes to make callers feel that you want their business.

Voice mailbox. A very good business tool when used properly. Most people know by now that your outgoing message should be current to let the caller know when calls will be returned. One of my clients has a system that automatically forwards the calls that haven’t been retrieved in two hours to an associate’s phone. Those calls are then listened to and returned. Monitor your company’s voice mailbox usage to be sure all associates are adhering to your customer service standards.

Parking spaces. Customers want easy access to a business. Do you have enough available parking spaces close to your entry? Employees and vendors may need to be reminded that the closest parking spots should be reserved for customers.

Customer service e-mail box. Many web sites advise “E-mail customer service for a fast response.” All too often, three days later you’re still waiting for a reply! This problem is easily solved by using an auto-response program to let customers know the message was received and when a reply will be coming. Follow through on your commitment.

Acknowledge people who are waiting to be helped. All of us have waited in long lines to check into a hotel, return an item at a service desk, or mail a package. Employees who make eye contact and sincerely say, “Thank you for your patience. We’ll be with you as soon as we can.” earn a lot of customer service points. Let your customers know you empathize and appreciate their support.

Every business encounters obstacles that get in the way of providing outstanding service such as staff shortages, technology challenges, and training issues. Successful organizations eliminate or work around obstacles to keep customers happy. After all, it’s customers who sustain and grow business.

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355

9 Reasons to LOVE Sales!

What a challenge it is to be a salesperson today! And when times get difficult, it’s easy to think of all the reasons why you don’t want to be doing what you’re doing. This is a good time to review what makes the sales profession the greatest career in the world!

The sky’s the limit. Earning a substantial income may not make one happy, but it certainly gives a person more life choices. In selling, you are the master of your own income destiny. Work with a firm that will pay you on merit, so that your earnings are directly related to your own achievements.

Enjoy the freedom. There’s no need to punch a clock in sales. Each day has twenty-four hours. How you organize and prioritize your days is totally up to you. Want to work from 5:00 AM to 3:00 PM so you can coach your child’s soccer team? You can make it happen. Community work, volunteering, or entertaining clients can all lead to increased sales. Selling makes for a flexible life.

Use your creativity. Success comes to salespeople who solve problems and find ways to add value to business partnerships. Original thinking is appreciated in the sales profession.

Meet fascinating people. Meet people who perform regularly in their local neighborhood theater, are gourmet chefs, or are part of the big brother or sister programs. It’s interesting to continually put yourself in front of a changing mix of people.

Connect people. Because of the variety of people you meet, salespeople can always find ways to help others succeed. Salespeople can suggest employee candidates, refer business, and recommend vendors to support those with whom you do business.

Build character. Salespeople put themselves in situations to sell a product or service they truly believe in. The risk is rejection or objections. Overcoming both of those reactions is what helps define the personality and fortitude of an individual. With risk comes reward.

Learn things that add value to your personal life. Traveling to new territories or getting to know people who have different life experiences is more valuable that any armchair learning you can do. Salespeople who make a point to learn from their sales encounters have richer personal lives.

Good reason to take up golf. Golf remains the preferred recreation of business leaders. To get in front of the big players, learn to play their game. Golf is a great way to build your circle of influence and sales success.

Job security. If you’re good at selling, you’re good at selling, no matter what industry you choose to be in. Accomplished salespeople will always have their pick of employment.

For those who are riding high in the sales profession, this list should be a good reminder. For those who may be feeling a bit down and out, remember that sales, like anything else in life, is what you make it!

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802

Don’t Trip Over Unnecessary Challenges

Every day our work worlds are filled with significant challenges. Issues revolve around customers, employees, product, and technology. Wise organizational leaders are continually changing old business models to assure both short-term and long-term survival.

But some of the challenges we experience day-to-day are unnecessary. Frustrations can begin with ineffective communication and less-than-professional business practices. Productivity and job satisfaction suffer. Here are a few suggestions to eliminate some common obstacles.

Make the call. Because our business dealings are so interdependent on each other, it’s not always possible to deliver answers in the time frame we’ve promised. When this happens, the person who has made the request wants and needs one thing, to be kept advised of the status of the situation. Consider this example. You promise a customer you’ll have an answer by noon. At 11:45, the information you need is not ready. Would you rather make the call to the customer at 11:45 or get a call at 12:30 wondering where the information is? Making the call avoids a potentially negative and damaging interaction and maintains trust. Always keep people advised of the status of their request.

Don’t abuse electronic communication. We’ve all read the articles about someone (or we’ve been guilty ourselves) who accidentally hits the “send” button on the e-mail and shouldn’t have. But that’s not what I’m talking about here.

I’m referring to too much “paperless.” Paperless systems are good to a degree. But when a person gets an electronic letter that says to check a web site for additional information or attached is the seventy-eight page document for review, that’s electronic communication abuse. Is there information you can mention in a cover note that will make doing business with you easier? Consider sending multi-page documents via snail mail so the recipient doesn’t have to take the time and resources to print it if they need to work from a hard copy.

When in doubt, ask the person getting the information how he or she would like it sent. Many communications are never reviewed because they are caught in electronic mail jail.

Adhere to professional business practices. In the fast-paced, competitive world, it’s very important that the people who do business with you see you as a professional and responsive individual. Just a few business basics will keep you highly regarded.

This may sound like a broken record, but it bears repeating. Please change your outgoing voice mail message daily and date it. Be sure your callers know when they can expect a call back. We live in a deadline world. Business success comes to those who are the most reliable and responsive. If your voice mail message is not current, you may miss a great business opportunity.

Always look your best, in and out of the office. The one day you’re comfortable and casual may just be the day a big deal is offered and you need to look top notch. Your attire reflects how you view yourself and how others perceive you.

Play by the rules as much as possible. Those people who try to make everything an exception quickly loose credibility. Sticking to guidelines in terms of timeframes, quality and accuracy of information, and customer billing will make people want to do business with you. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes before asking for exceptions.

Each of us has the ability every day to make our business world a more pleasant, productive one. Don’t let unnecessary challenges get in the way of being the best you can be.

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355

It’s Show Time!

Convention season has begun! Exhibitors will spend thousands of dollars to show their wares to hundreds of attendees at any one of thousands of association trade shows. Nowhere else can a seller see as many customers, prospects, and other industry vendors at one time. What a time to strut your best stuff!

Last month I was the keynote speaker at a state insurance industry convention. As always, I arrived the day before the engagement to roam the trade show floor looking for long-lost pals, new prospects, and to attend the opening night dinner.

As I wandered down the exhibition hall, I recognized a firm I had recently contacted. This company was featured in a national trade publication as a star in its field. As I frequently do, I had sent a congratulatory letter and a copy of my book to the marketing manager featured in the article. I never heard back, but that’s not uncommon. I approached their booth, and the marketing manager was there. I extended my hand and introduced myself. “I know who you are,” she impatiently replied. “You sent me some information.” I smiled and said that I had and that’s what I do to introduce myself to good businesses. She cut me off saying, “Well, WE don’t need your services!”

Wow! I took a deep breath. I thought of one of the four agreements Don Miguel Ruiz talks about in his book The Four Agreements, don’t take anything personally. He says nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality.

The marketing manager went on. “Anyway,” she said coldly, “I passed along your information to the person who handles our internal operations.” Her body language indicated I was dismissed. Pleasantly thanking her for her time, I moved on. But I have to wonder, why would anyone at a business event behave in a way that was anything but courteous and professional? There’s a lot at stake when you “exhibit yourself.”

Here are a few reminders for optimum trade show performance.

1. Have a team meeting with those staffing the booth. Discuss how to greet people, what information to ask, and what information to offer. Smiling and introducing yourself is mandatory.
2. Make people glad they stopped by. Be interested in what they do. Even if they aren’t prospects, they may know people who are or tell people how they were treated.
3. Develop a list of ten prospects from the attendee list. If they don’t stop by, ask others where to find them.
4. Be the first to arrive and the last to leave. It doesn’t bode well for your company for attendees to see an empty booth.
5. Don’t eat or drink liquor at your booth. Remember what you are there for.

How important is it to be on your best behavior at business events? Well, what’s your reputation worth?

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355

A Healthy Ego is Essential to Sales Success

Too many times the word ego has a negative connotation. No one likes to be accused of being egotistical – having an exaggerated sense of self-importance. However, it’s having a strong ego that is critical to successful sales.

We all need to have ego. It’s how we distinguish ourselves from others. Having a healthy inner self enables us to face challenges, adapt to changes, and make choices. How do sales superstars build their egos to strike a balance between too much and not enough in order to achieve success?

Sales superstars believe in themselves. Failure does not exist. Instead, the superstar says, “I made a mistake, what did I learn?” “How can I use my new knowledge to go on and succeed?” Thomas Edison had a strong ego. After 10,000 futile attempts to invent the light bulb, Mr. Edison was asked, “How can you go on after you have failed 10,000 times?”  “My good man,” Mr. Edison replied, “I have simply found 10,000 ways the light bulb will not work.”

Sales superstars understand fear. We’re all scared at times. We all hate rejection. What differentiates the sales superstar is the ability to move through the fear (reluctance) by asking, “What’s the worst thing that will happen?”  “What’s the best thing that will happen?”  “What probably will happen?” Think back to the last sales call you resisted and yet completed. How did you feel? Just this week, I moved through the sales call fear, reached the decision maker on the first attempt (unbelievable!), and was hired for the engagement as if he were waiting for my call. To think I was actually considering not making the call!

Sales superstars make decisions. Decisions need to be made. What product will best satisfy your client? What strategy will solidify the client relationship and gain the outcome your client expects? What pricing strategy will meet the financial considerations of the buyer? Identify the pros and cons in a given situation, make a sound choice, and believe in the strategy.

Sales superstars know when to put their ego aside. The true test of a star salesperson is the ability to focus on what’s in the client’s best interest. Many sales organizations have “games” they play. Booking an order on a certain date or with a certain vendor may mean perks for the salesperson. But is it the right decision for the client? When a salesperson can totally focus on what’s in the client’s best interest, that’s good business practice.

Sales superstars feed their sense of self with healthy morsels. We all have negative thoughts. The key word is thoughts – not reality. The superstar continually eliminates negative thoughts by introducing positive ones. Supportive thoughts come from coworkers, friends and family, motivational authors and speakers. Review your client list or recent successes to reconfirm your accomplishments. Keep powerful, positive information with you at all times.

Sales superstars have the same ego-deflating issues non-superstars have. The only difference is that the superstars know how to manage and control their ego to benefit the client and ultimately themselves. Incorporate these ego-building skills into your sales life and you’ll see significant results.

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355