Category: <span>Business Building</span>

Face it! Reputations are made 24/7

Emily Huling, CIC, CMC

Social networking sites have heightened conversations about the business life-personal life connection, but these new media haven’t changed what has always been true – each of us is responsible for the image we create and the reputation we have.

Twenty-five years ago, when I was an insurance company underwriter, a colleague was called on the carpet one Monday morning for having participated over the weekend in a Hooter’s wet T-shirt competition. Her manager had received a call from an agent who had been at the event and hadn’t expected to see his underwriter – at least not that much of her. Fortunately for my coworker, cell phone cameras hadn’t yet been invented. Today, a picture would have been snapped, uploaded to Facebook and been tagged for all to view. And let’s not forget the permanent image which would live on in cyberspace.

Fast-forward to May 2010. The headline in my local newspaper, The Charlotte Observer reads, “Facebook post costs waitress her job.” The story tells of a college-student waitress who was left a measly tip for the time customers sat at her table. After her shift, she went on Facebook and posted, “Thanks for eating at Brixx you cheap _______.” Her bosses called her in two days later and fired her for violating company policy against speaking disparagingly about customers and a second policy against casting the restaurant in a negative light in social networks.

In order to protect their own reputations and liability exposures, employers are working diligently to create and enforce social media guidelines for their firms. Social media platforms include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Wikipedia, MySpace, and blogging. An effective policy addresses both corporate and individual use of social media communication. Companies need to protect their public image while not squelching individual expression and rights. One published resource that agencies can access for samples of a good and useful employee handbook language is The Agents Council for Technology (ACT) Social Web Policy Guide. Visit and navigate to Member Services, then Agent Council for Technology.

Even with a clearly-stated social media policy in place, not all issues can be covered in an agency manual. It’s an individual’s responsibility to protect his or her job and character.

Be familiar with your company’s written and unwritten social media policies. Not knowing your company policy is no excuse if you violate it. If you don’t know if your employer has a written policy or the topic hasn’t been discussed, ask your boss about it. It’s in your company’s best interest to establish written guidelines. As a responsible employee, it’s in your best interest to know and follow them.

Establish your own personal guidelines. Who do you want to let into your online social media world? Combining personal and business friends (which most people do) bears added responsibility to what you post, join and comment on.
Sound business practices have taught us not to talk about sex, religion or politics. Think twice before posting comments or joining groups that could adversely affect business dealings.

Use good judgment. Is the content you’re posting consistent with the professionalism and standards you want to project? I just read a post from a business colleague who had a few minutes to kill because his “jerk of a client was late.” Even if I assume his delayed client doesn’t have access to this comment, I wondered why he would make a disparaging comment of any kind about those he does business with. What’s he saying or thinking about me?

Your responses to others’ posts and blogs reflect your beliefs and attitudes. Be respectful of others’ views. If you disagree, take it off the public site.

Work comes first. Remember when employees wasted time on personal phone calls, playing solitaire, or surfing the Internet? We may have evolved in the sophistication of how we kill time at work, but the resulting poor performance, lack of productivity, and disruption of others’ ability to do their jobs hasn’t changed. Engage in social media only during legitimate break times – and that’s only if your corporate social media policy permits you to engage at work at all. And remember, by using company property, your right to privacy is forfeited.

Privacy doesn’t exist. The Brixx waitress learned this by venting her frustration about her customer on her Facebook page. In addition, do not disclose proprietary or confidential information about your company, customers or colleagues; do not speak ill of the competition; do not violate copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. Be careful if you choose to actively seek a job online if you still want to keep the one you have.

In our industry we sell trust, reliability, professionalism, and sound advice. In order to be regarded as possessing those qualities, it’s critical that we demonstrate them in all of our communication encounters.

About the author

Emily Huling, CIC, CMC helps the insurance industry create top-performing sales and customer service organizations. She is the author of Selling from the Inside, Great Service Sells, and Kick Your “But.” For information on her programs and products call 888-309-8802 or visit

Get Personal for Personal Lines Success

By Emily Huling, CIC, CMC

Attention Independent Agents! When is the last time you thanked the direct-response companies (DRCs) for how they are helping your business? Before you call me crazy, here are my top five reasons to be grateful to the competition.

DRCs offer no long-term personal relationships. Instead, they offer only toll-free numbers and website access.
At claim time, DRCs are the claim company and provide no client advocacy.
DRCs offer customers “name-your-price” policies that reduce coverage and decrease limits.
DRCs are not physically located in the policyholder’s community.
DRCs do not provide one-stop shopping for personal lines.

There is no better time to differentiate yourself and strut your stuff! Here are five ways to do just that:

Conduct complimentary Personal Lines lunch-and-learn seminars at the worksites of your commercial lines and benefits clients. Suggest that employees bring their personal lines policies in for a no-cost account review.

Begin with a brief fifteen-minute talk such as, “Will Your Next Claim Be Covered?” citing examples of how bad advice, reduced coverage, decreased limits, increased deductibles, etc., play out at claim time. As soon as someone shouts out, “I didn’t know that!” you have their attention!

Have a question and answer period for fifteen minutes.

Ask people to sign up for fifteen-minute one-on-one meetings that immediately follow. If a review will take longer, schedule it in your office or at their worksite for another time.

What a win-win-win this is for your current business client who is looking for ways to help his employees, the employee who gets honest personal insurance information and you!

Conduct newly licensed driver educational meetings. Invite the parent(s) and youthful operator to your office to learn about the responsibilities of holding a driver’s license, operating a vehicle, and the consequences of having an accident or getting a ticket. On my website,, under the Free Stuff tab, I have a sample newly-licensed driver agreement which serves as a meeting outline and formal document to reinforce the conditions the youthful operator must follow.

Solicit business your agency has lost in the past eighteen months. This time period complies with the Federal Do Not Call provisions which state that calls can be made during this period of time to established business relationships even if the customer is on the do not call list. However, if the customer requests not to be called, compliance is required.

The procedure to solicit lost business is to send a letter to the customer which asks, “How are you getting along without us?” A sample of this letter is also on my website under Free Stuff. The best time to send this letter is thirty to sixty days after an account is lost. That gives the policyholder enough time to evaluate if the premium and coverage matches what was promised, the billing is correct, the agent is providing service, and so on.

Follow up all new sales with a thank-you phone call to say how much you appreciate their business. Reconfirm your personal handling, local presence, advisory services, and claim advocacy.

Reconnect with existing policyholders mid-year to say, “I’m thinking about you.” If each agent calls just six policyholders a week for forty weeks a year, that’s over two hundred outgoing calls each to stay personally connected with your customer! Note to agency owners: call clients you don’t personally know to introduce yourself and stress your appreciation of their business and decision to do business locally.

Independent agents who capitalize on their uniqueness and personal contact advantage will not be fretting about the competition from direct response companies, they’ll be thanking them!

About the author

Emily Huling, CIC, CMC helps the insurance industry create top-performing sales and customer service organizations. She is the author of Selling from the Inside, Great Service Sells, and Kick Your “But.” For information on her programs and products call 888-309-8802 or visit

The Psychology of Getting Work Done

Remember back in the dark ages when our work spaces were cluttered with color-coded paper files? Many offices were literally piled high with work on every available surface. During that era I was working with an agency’s personal lines department to eliminate a never-ending work back log. I walked into Margaret’s cubicle. No, come to think of it, I stepped over a few piles of files on the floor to get to her work area. Margaret was close to tears. When she looked at me, they started to fall. “I can’t get my work done,” she sobbed. “Why?” I asked. “Because I get sixty phone calls a day,” she said. “My goodness, that’s a lot of phone calls! Who’s calling you?” I replied. Barely able to speak, Margaret choked, “The people looking for this work!”

Unfortunately, this scenario continues to play out fifteen years later. Only I think the problem is potentially worse today. We don’t see paper files and work sits invisibly in our computers. More often than not, downloaded policies aren’t checked for accuracy and policies sent directly to insureds aren’t reviewed for coverage gaps or inadequate values or limits.

For years I’ve been preaching and teaching the principles of time management. You probably know them by heart. Get to work on time. Make your to-do list at the end of the day. Organize your work to process similar work at the same time. Do the hardest task first thing in the morning. Break down large projects into smaller pieces. Make a call giving the status of work to avoid receiving an irate call from the person looking for the work. Sound familiar?

If people believe they know how to manage work, why is it that so many employees can’t handle what’s deemed a realistic workload?

The answer is psychology – the mental and behavioral aspect of a person. As human beings, it’s our perspective or attitude that dictates our ability to handle a situation as much as our capabilities or skills.

Who hasn’t cleared his or her desk of work prior to going on vacation? Or maybe you’ve permanently lost weight, given up alcohol, stuck with an exercise program or eliminated credit card debt. If you’ve ever made up your mind to really doing something, you’ve seen the result. Having an “I can do it” attitude enables people to accomplish what they set their minds on. Let’s examine the qualities and characteristics of the psychology of getting things done.

Be a doer not a feeler. Imagine two CSRs each beginning her day with a critical to-do list of tasks to be completed by day end. Within three minutes of settling in, both CSRs� phones start ringing. Calls come from policyholders, company underwriters, and family members. The feeler responds to all the calls immediately without assessing their place on her to-do list. Why? Her attitude is “Gee, I really didn’t feel like doing what’s on my to-do list anyway.” Before long it’s noon and the feeler has yet to accomplish a to-do list item. She heads to lunch complaining she can’t get anything done.

On the other hand, the doer, who also takes the calls, proactively asks, “When do you need this?” or “I have a couple of critical items to do this morning. May I get back to you this afternoon?” or to her family, “I’m slammed with work. Let’s talk this evening.” By noon, the doer has crossed off several critical items, added a few more with priorities assigned, and has a feeling of satisfaction as she heads to lunch.

Are you a feeler or a doer?

Be proactive in your work rather than at the effect of it. Working effectively with producers is a challenge for most CSRs. That’s true whether the producer is the agency owner or a commission salesperson. Why? Successful producers have economic drive, healthy egos, and high energy. These qualities can cause producers to over commit themselves and their team, juggle too many plates at a time, and not pay enough attention to detail.

Janice is a Commercial Lines CSR who lives in perpetual frustration. She complains bitterly about the producers she works with. Producer requests are last minute, voice mail messages are forwarded to her on items she believes the producer should complete, and renewal information is consistently late which creates unnecessary endorsements.

To uncover what was really happening, I questioned Janice about her work. How well did she know her clients? Why weren’t they calling her directly? What was her relationship with her underwriters? Did she and the producers have renewal strategy meetings to assign timelines and accountability? Was she proactive with policyholders to obtain missing information to complete tasks?

What I learned from Janice was this. She believed her position was that of a processor. She waited to be told what to do by producers, reacted to requests from clients and underwriters rather than taking charge, and did not view herself as personally accountable for the outcome of her work. Janice lived at being the effect of the situation rather than being in control.

After much discussion with Janice and the agency owner, Janice understood what was required to rid herself of her frustrations and victim attitude. A game plan was implemented to get Janice more involved with account strategy, clients, and underwriters to develop her sense of ownership and accountability.

Are you proactive in your work or at the effect of your work?

Stay focused on your work. “Leave your personal baggage at the door” is one of my Ten Commandments of Customer Service. And for good reason. Employers, coworkers, and clients count on you to get your job done. What doesn’t get done or done correctly makes work for someone else. And you’re being paid to do your job.

Everyone has a life outside of work. Life’s rollercoaster ride brings happiness, sadness, and everything in between. No doubt, some of life’s happenings require work time to resolve. Fortunately most employers understand and accommodate those issues.

What gets in the way of getting work done is the psychological drama brought into the workplace. Andrea is the queen of drama in her office. If something’s brewing, she’ll attempt to drag others into conversation and say, “Did you hear about?” or “What do you think about?” When non-work related discussions remain out of the office, employees are more productive and accurate.

Are you leaving your personal baggage at the door?

Traditional time management tips and techniques are a good start to get more work done. Make the psychological commitment to become a doer, be proactive, and stay focused and you will accomplish more and stress less.

Emily Huling, CIC, CMC helps the insurance industry create top-performing sales and customer service organizations. She is the author of Selling from the Inside and Kick Your “But.” For information on her programs and products call 888-309-8802 or visit

Leading from the Front Line

When I speak with agency customer service staff ; receptionists, CSRs, and bookkeepers; about leadership, the response is generally rolling eyes and a shaking head indicating, “If I were in charge, things would be different.”

News flash for those waiting for the perfect leader to follow “Don’t wait” become a leader yourself. I’m not suggesting you mutiny or overthrow the person in charge. Leadership is not found in position; it’s found in action and influence. Great leaders inspire the best in us. They are role models for appropriate behavior, are open to the ideas of others, and relate to others with passion and compassion. Constructive leaders can be relied upon to keep their word, explain their thinking process, and step up when needed.

Nowhere in those qualities does it say a leader must have a title of owner, manager, or supervisor. Too many employees abdicate their position of influence and knowledge because they aren’t the boss. What a waste of talent, personal potential and the ability to make a difference!

Here are several ways to become a leader in your organization, without a change of position or title.
Have a leader’s attitude. John Maxwell, an author of more than thirty books on leadership, said, “Leadership has less to do with position than it has with disposition. Take a quick measure of your temperament and personality. How do your colleagues view you? Are you approachable? Do you maintain a balance of professionalism and personal interest? Having a personal interest in someone without getting involved can be a challenge for many front-line people.

Personal connection is not friendship; it’s having a listening ear with emotional support. There’s a line not to be crossed to assure that personal caring and professional character remain appropriate and separate. I’ve witnessed employees who are friends with a coworker struggle with how to deal with a conflicting business situation.

A word of caution for those businesses who hire employees; friends and family. Consider the impact on reporting situations and work teams. What will you do if things go awry resolving performance or personal situations? An agency client hired the sister-in-law of a good employee. Several years later, her brother and sister-in-law divorced. While the two women worked in separate departments, they worked in close proximity to each other. To their credit, they didn’t bring their family situation to the office.

Leading from the front line attitude is exhibiting professionalism and maturity no matter what life unfolds.

Have a leader’s persona. Picture a person you view as confident, knowledgeable, and expert in his or her profession. Consider body language, verbal language and conversational skills, personal grooming, and personal work environment. Make a list of ten things you admire that represents leadership qualities. Here are ten qualities that I believe represent professionalism and influence in a work environment. Correct posture both walking and sitting; well-fitting clothes; neatly groomed hair and nails; smiles and makes eye contact when speaking with others; never gossips or spreads tales; respects others’ work space and privacy; practices proper eating manners and table etiquette; extends a hand for a proper handshake; silences her cell phone for all meetings; and encourages others to contribute thoughts and is open to other ideas.

What qualities do you demonstrate that tell others you mean business? What attributes can you work on to enhance your front-line leadership position?

Keep emotions in check. For some front-line associates, controlling emotional response requires constant monitoring. Emotions not appropriate for the workplace include crying, pouting, anger, distrust and fear. Any of these will cripple productive work and create a dysfunctional work environment. Coworkers distance themselves from those they find emotionally unpredictable. Why say good morning to someone when the response could be unpleasant? Why ask a question if the reply implies distrust?

There are two parties involved to keep heightened emotions under control; you and the other person. No matter who initiates what’s perceived as inappropriate emotional behavior, it’s up to you to recognize and manage the situation. Here are five steps to diffuse emotionally charged circumstances.

1. Recognize and understand the emotional charge. Is your coworker angry or just excited? Are you dealing with anxiety or is it full-fledged panic?

2. What’s the source of the feelings? Are you recalling a similar past situation that caused the emotion and not today’s reality? Could your coworker’s reaction be a result of something having nothing to do with the situation at hand?

3. Unhook from the source. Take a deep breath, acknowledge the emotion, and deal with it directly. Say to yourself “I will not get plugged into; a snippy tone of voice, rushed coworker, feelings of doubt about my job, etc.” If you need to remove yourself from the situation until the emotions clear, do so.

4. Acknowledge aloud what you are feeling or what you sense from your coworker. Do this in a non-confrontational way. For example, “I’m sorry I’m so angry about this. It’s not directed at you. This situation happened last week and it was a lot of extra work.” Or if you’re the recipient of the emotional charge, say to your coworker, “I feel frustrated because this happens all the time.” Do not say, “You do this all the time. I-messages explain where you’re coming from and avoids unproductive, accusatory language.

5. Use business tools and strategies that will help avoid emotionally charged encounters. For example, handling large commercial renewals can be a stressful challenge for your team. Make the process smooth and predictable by implementing and adhering to a renewal workflow with scheduled meetings, accountabilities and timelines.

Strong emotions result from any number of personal factors. The office is not the place to deal with the psychology of the issues. Leading from the front-line is knowing how to divorce yourself from the emotional charge to get work done to meet agency, department, and individual goals.

Self-manage. Quite simply, don’t wait to be told what to do. Managing yourself is the highest level of leading from the front line. Keep your own work accurate and current.

Come to meetings; one-on-one or group; on time, prepared, and eager to participate. At group meetings, sit close to the person in charge to make a statement about your intent and interest. Don’t just be punctual, be early to get that good seat.

Know that work and priorities often change. Be open and flexible to adapt. Anticipate problems and speak up if it will help avoid them. Offer solutions that identify the problem, provide background and perspective, research possible solutions and the affects, and make a suggestion to resolve.

Be willing to do what others don’t see or won’t do. A commercial lines CSR in a small agency stepped up to solve a problem of organizing, filing and retrieving insurance company information. Information arrived in the agency to various people through paper, e-mail, marketing reps, and conversations with the company personnel. There was not a central place to retain, and even more important, retrieve the information. The agency did not have an Intranet and it had been on a to-do list for a long time. The CSR produced a plan to assign companies to different people, created shared electronic folders, established filing and scanning procedures, and so on to solve the company information headache. Within a week, the program was up and running to the delight of all.

Leaders are needed at every level of an organization. Stepping up to further contribute to the success of your employer not only brings personal satisfaction, it raises the bar for others to contribute more as well. Everyone wants to be on a winning team. What can you do to lead an improvement in productivity, morale, or teamwork in your agency?

The author

Emily Huling, CIC, CMC helps the insurance industry create top-performing sales and customer service organizations. She is the author of Selling from the Inside and Kick Your “But.” For information on her programs and products call 888-309-8802 or visit

There Is an “I” in Team

No, you don’t need glasses and you’re not reading a typo. While “There’s No “I” in Team” is a popular catch phrase imprinted on posters, stationery, and awards, I don’t think that tells the whole truth. Without a doubt, the synergy of a team does bring extraordinary results. But if it weren’t for the commitment and talent of the individuals who work collectively as a team, outcomes would not be so stellar.

The “I” in team is not a selfish one. Military battles would not be won, buildings would not be constructed, products would not be created, sports teams would not bring home trophies were it not for the men and women whose values and skills complemented the others.

Knute Rockne said, “The secret is to work less as individuals and more as a team. As a coach, I play not my eleven best, but my best eleven.” In 1980, Coach Herb Brooks, who died in 2003, followed this strategy when he put together a U.S. Olympic hockey team that beat the Soviets in Lake Placid. In the movie, Miracle, which told the 1980 Olympic team story, Brooks said, “I’m not looking for the best players, I’m looking for the right players.”

These coaches created a culture of team success by setting the bar extraordinarily high for each person to play his best for his position. And each of their players assumed total responsibility for his performance. It’s a combination of hiring right, clear performance standards, individual skill and personal accountability that creates winning teams.

Here are some thoughts on how your agency can enhance the “I” in team to achieve exceptional results.

Break down the silos. I speak with hundreds of agencies a year who have separate Personal Lines, Commercial Lines, and Benefits departments. Whether the business employs fifteen or fifty, I regularly hear frustration expressed in the form of “them” and “us.” A few reasons for this include one department not understanding what another department does, management decisions made uniformly without regard to different businesses, employees, or customer needs, or business decisions communicated inconsistently.

Here are four strategies to break down the silos:

1. Utilize a company Intranet program to post vacation dates, employee additions, accomplishments, agency news, educational offerings, scheduled guests, and so on. Give everyone equal access to company information to break down silos.
2. Schedule formal shadow training sessions for all employees. Shadow training is when an employee spends time with individuals in departments other than his or her own. First-hand observation of other departments, jobs, and customer interactions bring understanding and cooperation between different business operations.
3. Schedule monthly state-of-the-office meetings led by agency leaders. Review what’s new in each department including personnel, technology, carrier changes, etc. Even if some of these topics are on the Intranet, a live exchange and the ability to ask questions and be involved is crucial for “I” success.
4. Top agency leaders should interview employees individually to gain insight into their world and solicit ideas every year. Employee input leads to enhanced employee and customer satisfaction, productivity, and profit. Humanizing the leader/employee relationship strengthens both parties.

What will you do to break down the silos and develop stronger “I’s” on your team?

Trust. As an inexperienced commercial casualty underwriter, I resisted delegating work to others on my team. I believed I could do things faster myself, do a better job than a coworker, or didn’t trust the job would be done on time. My supervisor strongly encouraged me to delegate and put it to me this way. “Not letting others do the job we’ve hired them to do is an insult to them. Not delegating according to how the organization is built can be perceived as doubting others’ ability and intelligence and undermines their contribution to the organization. Every person is of value to the team and deserves trust and respect.”

Support the “I” in team by trusting others to do the job they’ve been hired to do.

Think from your customers’ point of view.

Here are two very different approaches to the “I” in team and how two agencies addressed customer needs and expectations.

Two independent agencies in a small town of 25,000 people were entering into a merger. The merged business was taking on a new name and moving to a new location to house both agency operations. The agency principals saw to it that press releases were done, letters were mailed to all customers, and effective print ads appeared in the local newspapers. Even with these good marketing efforts, the staff wondered whether the customers would read about the change and if so, how the change would be perceived. One of the Personal Account Managers suggested that she and her three counterparts call each of their 800 customers personally. They all agreed and within the first ninety days of the merger, all 3200 personal lines customers were contacted by phone. It was team effort of “I’s” that got their message out and set the standard for the proactive culture of this new agency venture.

For some agencies, developing the “I” in team may extend to partners outside the organization. Many insurance companies offer customer service centers to help agencies sell and service personal lines and small commercial business. Agencies who take advantage of this service include those who have difficulty hiring for those positions or whose business plans target larger revenue or specialty classes of business, yet they still need to provide these coverages to some customers.

In both situations, agencies developed “I” strategies to strengthen the team, their brand, and to raise the individual level of service to the customer. Ask your staff for suggestions to better serve your customers.

Offer career development opportunities and strategies.

I love attending live theater. Even with the best preparation by cast and crew, live productions always have an element of uncertainty as to how things will play out – not unlike our business world. But in the theater world, the old adage “the show must go on” is taken very seriously. Each role has appointed understudies to step in when necessary. Some understudies must learn two or three different roles in one production. For many understudies, it’s their training for and performance of larger roles that boost their confidence and careers to new heights. Even more important, it’s the commitment of these “I’s” to the team that makes certain customer expectations are met.

What roles are the members of your team preparing for? What skill development, designations, and customer knowledge should the “I’s” be learning and training for so the team will always be ready when the curtain goes up?

Team success depends on consistent top performance of individuals. Break down corporate silos, trust each other, keep the customer’s point of view in mind, and nurture individual careers to find your “I’s” in team.

How does your work attitude influence your family?

Every parent has a desire to raise his or her child to be responsible, kind, tolerant of others, and eventually self-sufficient. Working mothers and fathers invest both time and money in day care, education, and extra-curricular activities including sports, the arts, and scouting to build their child’s sense of discipline and strength of character. Yet one of the greatest influences on a child’s future and ability to earn a living is often overlooked – how parents conduct themselves at home with regard to their work.

I have a neighbor who has had four jobs in ten years. In each situation, the story is the same; bad job, bad boss, bad coworkers. Not so coincidentally, in the same period of time, her child has changed schools three times. Why? Bad school, bad teachers, bad students.

A job hopper who consistently blames others for unsatisfactory work situations is providing a role model to his or her children that when something is amiss, it’s someone else’s fault. Granted, some work situations are destructive and an employee needs to get out and move on. But children and adults need to learn how to navigate and work through routine life challenges including not-so-perfect environments, authority, and peers.

What message do you send to your family about work ethic and responsibilities? How do you talk about your boss and coworkers? What do you say about your work challenges? Here are some things to think about regarding your influence on your family’s view of work.

Does your work attire convey professionalism? It’s not surprising that the professional standards of work attire have deteriorated. Sports and leisure wear have become the norm in schools, churches, and restaurants. I firmly believe that a person’s choice of clothing in the office affects job performance. Businesses who have returned to traditional business attire agree with me. Do your children see a difference between weekend wear and work clothing? What’s appropriate office attire? Important client meeting attire? Dress-down day attire? Children are well served to witness and participate in the thought process of how parents choose to outfit themselves.

What work ethic do you convey? A long-time, very successful business friend of mine has two teenage daughters. In her household, Sundays are about getting ready for the week ahead. They plan and prepare their clothes, meals, activities and ride sharing, do homework, and check e-mails. Sunday evenings are low-key and they go to bed early. Both girls do well in school. My friend’s sixteen year-old daughter is working part-time at Target and her youngest works the lunch hour cafeteria shift at school. Why? Like most young teens they want their own money. But an even greater factor is that their parents have instilled a positive work ethic and have role modeled and equipped them with the skill set they need � planning, organizing, keeping agreements; to be productive and responsible workers. Do your household routines support a good work ethic?

Do you have a job or a career? What do your words and actions convey to your children about your long-term career plan? “They don’t pay me enough for this.” or “I’m going to take advantage of the learning and career advancement opportunities my employer offers.” Having taught for the National Alliance Society of CIC and James K. Ruble Graduate programs for over ten years, I’m continually impressed with the individual commitment and family support of program participants. Some families travel along, some show support by holding the fort at home allowing the student quiet time to stay and study at the hotel, and some pay their own tuition and travel costs because their employer does not financially endorse the program. Demonstrating a time commitment and mental resolve to further education and career advancement doesn’t just benefit the employee. It shows the family that getting what you want in life takes sacrifice and dedication.

What words do you use about work? Words, thoughts, and actions are all connected. If you find yourself continually talking about “problems” or “hate” certain things about what you do or people you work with, that negative energy is sent to those around you. My husband John continually reminds me of this. If I say “I hate cold weather,” John quietly says, “Hate is a very strong word.” He’s right. I don’t mean hate. Cold weather isn’t my favorite, it’s uncomfortable and inconvenient to me. But I don’t hate it. If I refer to something as a problem, John patiently asks what my challenge is. A problem is a burden, a challenge is an opportunity. Big difference. Changing language changes thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Pay attention to be sure what you say is what you mean. Avoid sending your family signals that don’t reflect your intention.

Do you set boundaries between work and home? In today’s highly connected cell phone, text messaging, and e-mail world, families are able to stay in touch as often as they want. That can pose a problem if left unchecked. We do have personal lives while working, but employees and families must recognize and control appropriate boundaries. A child should call his parent at work to check in, ask permission, or share a significant moment. Conversations should be brief. Other family members may have a need to confirm plans or be in contact on an ongoing situation. Other than that, extensive interruptions by family members that disrupt the employee’s workday is not fair to the employer, coworkers, or customers.

In defense of their position, employees who take personal calls at work complain, “What can I do?” Here’s what to do. Say, “Don’t call me to chat at work. It’s not fair to my employer, my coworkers, or my customers.” Send a clear message to your family that supports your work ethic and responsibilities on the job.

As Jean Nidetch, founder of Weight Watchers said, “It’s choice – not chance – that determines your destiny.” Leave a lasting legacy to your family by demonstrating positive attitudes and actions about your work life.

Emily Huling, CIC, CMC helps the insurance industry create top-performing sales and customer service organizations. She is the author of Selling from the Inside and Kick Your “But.” For information on her programs and products call 888-309-8802 or visit

Develop a Meaningful Culture

By Emily Huling, CIC, CMC

Take a minute and consider your office environment. Whether you’ve worked three years, ten years, or more than twenty, count how many workplace changes have taken place over that time. Technology advancements are too varied and numerous to mention. In addition, we now have four generations working together; each has differing attitudes, ideas, and business routines. The locations where we work have expanded. Most employees check work-related e-mail from home or work in any number of remote locations. Our knowledge has become specialized, generalized, or somewhere in between. With so much variation in who we are, where we work, and how we work, businesses are constantly challenged on how to create and maintain a consistent corporate culture that each person understands, embraces and — most important — practices. Here are some ideas that will help businesses get associates on the same page.

Create a company mantra. Forget the long, complex mission statement. Instead, think of words that capture the essence of your business and how you want others to perceive you. Here are a few examples of mantras created by my clients. We have ESP; Excellence Service Professionalism. Reflect the IMAGE; Initiative, Motivation, Accountability Generate Excellence. Make MAGIC; My Actions Generate Incredible Customer Service. Take PRIDE; Professionalism, Respect, Initiative Drive Excellence. Have small groups of employees brainstorm ideas of who you are and what you represent. In no time, you;ll have several mantras from which to choose.

Adhere to best practices of performance. Flexibility and individuality are treasured by today’s workers. But don’t let personal preferences interfere with demonstrating high standards of professionalism in your company. No matter what a job entails, where it’s being executed, or by what experience level employee, specific standards should be uniform throughout an organization. Examples of these practices include changing your outgoing voice mail message daily and dating it, using a complete e-mail signature on all out-of-office correspondence, professional appearance norms, and keeping your desk and work area organized and clutter free.

These tipping points; the little things that make the big difference; are the fundamentals that solidify and strengthen your corporate culture. Whether you call these ideals your constitution, principles, or best practices, all associates should be held accountable for carrying them out.

Focus on your customers. Don’t become consumed with what you can’t do or what your competition does. Your existing customers have chosen to do business with you. Use them as a resource to tell you what you’re doing right and advise you on what you can improve, add, or change. Survey customers in person, use written surveys or employ the help of a consultant to facilitate focus groups. Information from your own customers is the most meaningful you’ll find.

Let employees be your advertising. Can all of your associates explain what you do and why in sixty seconds? Do all of your employees have business cards and company logo apparel? When employees are trusted with promoting their company, accountability grows. Proud employees are the best public relations you can have.

Constantly recruit top-notch people. Good people attract good people. All associates should be on the watch to find candidates who are potential matches for your culture, standards, and work environment. Having a waiting list of those who want to work for your company is a great position to be in.

Partner only with firms that mirror your culture. We become who we spend time with; for good or bad. Customers, carriers, vendors, and your centers of influence should have the same integrity, professionalism and service standards that you do. Asking your employees to adhere to high standards and then compromising those expectations with your partners will undermine the culture you’ve created. Do business with those who reflect your values.

People want to work for a great company. It’s management’s responsibility to build and sustain a meaningful culture where individuals can be their best. When that happens, both the business and the people will grow and prosper. Isn’t that what business is all about?

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355

Family Business Avoid the Pitfalls

Your daughter announces that she, her husband John, and two children are moving back to your hometown to be closer to the family. “By the way, Mom,” she asks, “do you think Dad will give John a job at his insurance agency?” How can you say no?

Your wife bails you out when the bookkeeper suddenly resigns. Even with limited accounting knowledge, she easily uncovers billing errors, company statement mistakes, and posting inconsistencies. So when she volunteers to continue do that work in the evening for the agency, how can you say no?

You thought your dad was going to retire. The buyout is almost complete. He tells you he doesn’t know what he’ll do with himself if he doesn’t come into the office regularly. He offers to do the small tasks no one wants to do, take property pictures, go to the bank, handle the building maintenance odds and ends. How can you say no?

Truth is, you can say no, you just don’t want to. It’s family. Even though you know family members in the business can often cause trouble. So what can you do to avoid the pitfalls of employing family members?

Apply consistent employment practices. How do you dodge hiring a family member that is not well-suited to your business? Or if the person is already on board, how can you avoid performance issues? As with any new hire or valued employee, use tools such as a job description and personnel manual that clearly explain job expectations, office conduct, and accountabilities. Set up a job training schedule employing the assistance of coworkers and carriers. Utilize personality profiling and aptitude services to uncover issues that may affect job effectiveness. These resources are great management and employee development tools, family or not – and can help you handle uncomfortable situations by having an expert party or substantiation to defer to.

Clearly explain exact job duties. Even something as simple as taking pictures for insurance company underwriting requirements requires a procedure. What’s the expected turnaround time? What picture views are required by each company? Who’s responsible for downloading the pictures, attaching the picture to the client file, and letting the CSR or Producer know it’s done? When these details are not clearly outlined, frustration builds and productivity and attitudes are affected.

Everyone should follow established rules. Generally, family businesses are family friendly. Children are in the office when necessary; child care issues, doctor appointment coordination, and so on. Over time, the children of family members may take liberties that when left unchecked, become real problems. For example, family children in the office may not be a challenge when a young child sleeps or plays quietly bothering no one. A few years later, that same child is now tying up phone lines, downloading games from the Internet, and disrupting employees working in their offices. Workers may not feel comfortable addressing this situation with the owner and the situation compromises business professionalism.

Here’s another situation. An agency has a company policy that all visitors are to be announced and greeted in the reception area. Family members may think that rule doesn’t apply to them so their guests come and go. Employees may think it’s unfair to have a guideline in force that only applies to them, not family members.

Family members who take liberties with hours worked, office attire, personal phone calls, accounting guidelines and other business protocol not only lose credibility with coworkers, set a poor example that is modeled by non-family members. It’s critical that family members follow the same guidelines as every associate and be positive role models.

Recognize the perspective of non-family members. Right or wrong, non-family employees perceive and believe that family members share information with the owner. In many agencies, a family member handles the human resource function including payroll and benefits. Employees may find this person unapproachable, wondering if a conversation will be kept confidential or what impact certain private information will have on his or her job. Think twice about having family members handle personnel issues. If there is no other choice, recognize the situation employees are in.

Non-family members rarely advise the owner of jobs incorrectly done or the inappropriate behavior of family members. Owners often lament, “Why didn’t anyone tell me about that problem?” Easy answer; it’s your family and no one is talking (at least to the owner) about it.

Don’t allow employees to play one family member off another. “But I talked to your wife (or son, daughter, father) about …” is often used by employees to get what they want in a situation. All family members need to understand the limits and boundaries that exist in their job position. When a family member is approached about a matter that falls outside his or her responsibilities, refer the employee to the appropriate person.

While every family-owned agency situation is unique, they have one thing in common; at the end of the day, employees are not tied to the owners in any other way other than the business relationship. Family members are part of your lives forever. Recognizing, acknowledging and addressing the issues up front with all the parties involved will support an emotionally healthy and professional business environment.

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355

Get What You Want Out of Your Work Life

I wouldn’t wish a serious illness, death of a loved one, divorce, or the loss of a job on anyone. But those who have first-hand knowledge of these emotional upheavals know that these experiences cause us look inside ourselves to reassess our values and priorities. Do we have to wait for such an event to analyze what we want and how to get it? Of course not.

During coaching sessions with my clients, I hear recurring themes when I ask “What would you change to make your work life better?” Here is how I respond to those issues.

I want a boss who appreciates me. Your boss is only half the relationship. You are the other half and the only part over which you have control. We can’t change other people. Some bosses don’t praise. They feel the employment, pay, and benefits they offer show appreciation. So work on changing your expectations. In other words, expect no verbal praise. Do your job spectacularly. Demonstrate commitment and enthusiasm to your coworkers and clients. Improve your value to your boss and your company. Praise from your boss will come in the form he or she is comfortable with bonuses and raises. And you may even find a sincere pat on the back to accompany your success.

I want a boss who communicates with me. We have extra challenges today with so many employees working in offices separate from their bosses. In addition, everyone has a preferred method of communication. Some people work better talking things over. Others like to see the issues in writing, take time to think about them, then have the discussion or get back to the other person in writing. Talk with your manager about what form of communication works best for him or her. Also, set up planned meeting times to review and discuss several issues at once. By avoiding random and frequent interruptions, employees will most likely find their bosses more attentive and responsive.

I want work to be less stressful. People hate to hear me say this we create most of our own stress. Are you guilty of any of these personal stress triggers? Do you arrive at work exactly at starting time, allow no time to get settled, and have people waiting and phones ringing? Do you complain about issues you can’t control instead of adapting to them or responsibly working to change the situation? Do you allow your personal life to influence your attitude and performance at work? Do you judge others instead of accepting them for who they are? Is your work quality below standards causing errors and double work? Identify the circumstances that cause you tension and eliminate them.

I want a more challenging job. Here’s how I handled my own challenge on that issue fifteen years ago. I was in a marketing position with a major corporation. I felt I could do the job in my sleep (except for the driving part). Instead of becoming bored and stale, I asked the customers I was dealing with what else I could do for them. Several told me they could use some help developing professionalism and customer service in their businesses. On my own, I researched sources of information, education platforms, and my customers’ specific needs. Then I approached my boss and said, “Would you mind if I incorporate people development sessions in my regular customer visits?” My great boss said, “Go get ’em, tiger.” My territory sales shot up, I learned new skills, and my customers were getting more than they expected from me and my company.

Before you decide your job isn’t challenging enough, look into what more you can do for your customers or coworkers. Is there a new product or service to become expert in? Can you educate and train new employees? Can you conduct training sessions for your customers on how better to use what you sell to them? Seek out opportunities to personally grow — you never know where it will lead.

I want to earn more money. The 4:00 AM infomercials try to persuade us that we all can make a million without leaving home, if we own a computer, in only thirty hours a week. By 4:05 AM we should realize the only people making money on those promises are the folks selling the program. I may be old fashioned, but the only way to earn more money is with more education, improved skills, smart work habits, and the commitment and discipline to reach your goals. First, establish your financial goals. In what position can you earn that income level? What knowledge and skills qualify you for those responsibilities? How can you gain access to education? Search for information that will enable you to meet your income and career goals.

Don’t wait for a life-changing experience to get what you want out of your work life. Knowing that all change begins with you should clear the way for you to make great things happen in your life.

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355

Climb to Level Four Selling

For seven years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Steve as he advanced from a sales neophyte to a confident salesperson earning a handsome living. Just forty years old, Steve and his wife have a young family. A more comfortable lifestyle and his children’s education were making Steve rethink his sales success strategy. During our last conversation, Steve asked me, “Is there any way I can make more money and spend more time with my family?” Steve was delighted when I told him it was absolutely possible because he has already advanced through three of the four levels of sales competence. Here’s what I told Steve about where he’s been and what his next step should be.

Level one for the new salesperson is all about survival. Sales goals set by the sales manager loom as large, unreachable goals. If you’re new to the business as Steve was, he had to learn who his potential buyers were, what exactly they wanted, and how his products and services could fill those needs. A new salesperson needs to gain the respect of his sales support team to help him maneuver the internal processes. Because of so much personal uncertainty whether they’ll make it or not, level one individuals consider the competition as an evil force with which to do battle.

Steve clearly remembered those first two years. In fact, he even added that he lacked so much confidence that he actually was afraid of his prospects. Afraid to take their time, afraid he didn’t know the answer, and afraid he looked dumb.

Luckily after some success level two kicks in. The salesperson has gained knowledge, confidence, and respect. In this success stage, the salesperson solves problems for prospects so they become customers, remain loyal, and refer business. The salesperson continues to work on a sale-to-sale basis, but is able to effectively manage his time, prospecting efforts, and customers. Steve piped in and said that was all true, but he remembers that he still felt fearful of his customers’ like his fate was in their hands. I agreed this was absolutely true and many salespeople plateau in the stage forever.

I told Steve that he’s in his stride and that’s level three. He’s earning a good living and has become a strategic thinker in terms of his sales strategy. Steve has carved out an industry niche and is well known in that arena. He invests time and money to network, attends and participates in trade shows, gives referrals to get referrals, and has moved from merely problem solving to improving customers’ businesses without trying to sell them anything. That’s a very high level of sales competence that only the most successful attain. Steve added that he now considers his customers and colleagues his friends. He even said that his number one competitor has become a friend as well. All of that makes his business life very enjoyable. “So what’s next?” Steve asked.

You said you want to have more free time and earn more money. You’ve worked hard and have loyal customers, a strong network, and thorough knowledge. You’re ready for the highest level of selling which is respectful confidence. Here are three strategies to operate at that level. First, go through your accounts and give smaller revenue or stand-alone accounts to a less experienced salesperson. Handle the transition professionally so it’s a win-win for your coworker and customer. Second, direct your efforts to larger income-producing business. Target top businesses that meet your elevated new business criteria. Position yourself as the sought-after expert you are and you will open new doors. Last but not least, don’t give a proposal to a customer without having conceptually agreed to do business together. Set a close ratio goal of 100%. Walk away, but stay in touch, if you can’t formalize the relationship. Keep the door open for when the prospect decides to move forward. Stay visible. People buy in their time, not yours.

Steve is ready, willing and able to go to level four status. It’s been a long, hard climb, and he knows that the view from the top will be great.

Emily Huling Selling Strategies, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Terrell, NC 28682
Phone: 888-309-8802 Fax: 888-309-7355