Category: <span>2020</span>

December 2020

Strategies for Success Newsletter December 2020 Issue 180


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2020 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this December 2020 issue:

  1. Thoughts from Home
  2. Thoughts from the Office
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized
  5. Emily Live


  1. Thoughts from Home

Finishing touches

Bob, owner of Stumpy’s Tree Service, has been taking care of our wooded property for 25 years. Large jobs and small jobs, Bob is expert in what he does. Bob is reliable. He shows up on time to do a job estimate and on schedule when it’s time to begin the work. His pricing is more than fair even during storm damage times when others charge more. There are probably other tree services in the area who can boast the same. However, I’ve never found a reason to give them a try. Why? Bob sets himself apart with his finishing touches.

Bob is diligent about double checking the quality of the completed work. If he notices something else that needs to be addressed, he lets us know and gives us an estimate.  Bob and his crew do an excellent job removing tree debris and cleaning up the area where the work is done. Then they go the extra mile and clean up a bit beyond. When leaving us, Bob tells us how much he appreciates our business.

After every job, Bob sends a hand-written thank you note with his business card enclosed. He personalizes the card by signing Bob and Nicole, his wife. That tiny personal touch has helped build our relationship when I often ask about Nicole and the rest of his family.

Finishing touches. It’s what people remember. Finishing touches build trust and strong relationships. It’s what makes your customers not look anywhere else for the services you provide.

What finishing touches are you using with your clients?


  1. Thoughts from the Office

How to build rapport while wearing a mask

The September issue of Harvard Business Review had an article by Dustin York containing the best advice I’ve read about conducting effective business while wearing a mask. One of the tips is to practice your mask voice. Using the acronym PAVE, York identifies four key elements: Pause, Accentuate, Volume, and Emotion. Here’s the link to the whole article.


Our November newsletter featured a story about a client from 2001 who reconnected with me about my book Selling in a Hard Market. We received many orders. Thank you!

If you are interested in having your agents, underwriters, or marketing teams learn and apply the book’s 27 tips, please visit our product information page for a list of the tips and how to order books for your team.


  1. Josmo’s Café

Holiday baking is big in the Josmo’s Café kitchen. John is the baker for his mother’s Rum Cake recipe. It is the best of all the rum cakes we’ve tried. Eggnog Cookies are now a tradition for holiday baking thanks to a client of mine who shared her family recipe with me a few years ago. An added bonus – house smells heavenly while baking!

Gifts from your kitchen are always popular. I continue to make my most popular Strawberry Bread and Zucchini Bread for gift giving. Both recipes are listed in the Josmo’s Café Sweet Treats section.

We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website. Many great dishes and sweets to make and enjoy!


  1. Stay Energized

Please visit our Energizer Minute archives page to enjoy a past podcast this month. New Energizer Minutes will resume in January.

Andrea Bocelli’s new album Believe was released in November. He and Alison Krause sing a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace. Ed Sheeran fans will enjoy his 2017 duet with this incredible Italian tenor singing Sheeran’s emotionally-packed song Perfect (Dancing in the Dark).

Follow me on Twitter @EmilyHuling to read my Energizer Moments.


  1. Emily Live update

John and I are still at home following recommended precautions to stay healthy. As one of my sensible clients said to me, “We are canceling all of our gatherings this holiday season to be sure we are all able to be together next year.”


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Selling Strategies: Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2020 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

November 2020

Strategies for Success Newsletter November 2020 Issue 178


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2020 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this November 2020 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized
  5. Emily Live


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Selling in a Hard Market

The voice mail message I heard was this. “Emily, in 2002 you spoke to the underwriting teams at my MGA about how to sell in a hard market. Almost 20 years later, here we are again! I just found your Selling in a Hard Market book that you gave us. I’d like to get some copies for my underwriters. Will you please give me a call?”

After our fun catch-up conversation, Jim said, “All of the 27 tips in your book still apply. Even more so I think. We’ve gotten so impersonal in how we do business. We need to get back to getting to know our customers, building long-term relationships, offering options, and following up, just to name a few things we can improve.” I gave Jim some suggestions on how to use the book with his remote team to discuss, learn and apply the 27 principles.

Before we hung up Jim asked me if race car driver Matt Kenseth was still my neighbor. “No, he’s not,” I said. “How did you remember that?” I asked. Jim told me that I had seen a picture of Matt in his office during my visit. I later sent him a picture of Matt that he had autographed. “That’s the story you need to share with your underwriters about selling in a hard market,” I told Jim. “When we do something personally meaningful for a person we are remembered even after 18 years!”

Interested in having your agents, underwriters, or marketing teams learn and apply Selling in Hard Market tips? We still have small supply of books. Review our product information page for a list of the tips and how to order books for your team.

FYI. For a news analysis of the current commercial insurance hard market, the most recent issue of  Insurance Business America Magazine published an interesting article on Page 6 called Up, Up and Away.


  1. Thoughts from Home

Five Lessons from Jigsaw Puzzles

Pre-pandemic, John and I had never done a jigsaw puzzle together. After doing one given to us by a friend, we are hooked! We’ve identified five advantages of working together on puzzles that can be applied to collaborative projects in both home and business life.

  1. Appreciate each other for having a different approach. John tackles the puzzle by the shape of the pieces while my method is to piece the puzzle by color. It makes us a great team.
  2. It helps to look at the puzzle from different sides. What is not apparent in one view, becomes recognizable by looking at it from another angle.
  3. If you’re at standstill, leave it and come back later. A fresh look reveals something previously missed.
  4. Refer to the big puzzle picture included in the box. Use all available resources when provided. Why make something harder than it needs to be?
  5. Give each other frequent high fives. It feels good to be acknowledged for good work.

What shared home or work projects are you working on that could benefit with jigsaw-puzzle thinking?


  1. Josmo’s Café

As cooler weather rolls in, my Crock-Pot and Instant Pot are working overtime. Instant Pot Beef Stew and Crock-Pot Maple Dijon Chicken Drumsticks are two previously-published favorite recipes of ours. On the crock pot recipe, I substituted boneless chicken thighs and shredded it after cooking. We ate it over baked potatoes for dinner with a salad and used the leftovers to make shredded chicken sandwiches. Yummy!

We have 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website. Many great dishes and sweets to make and enjoy!


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute podcast this month about Washing Dishes may just change your mindset about household chores.

Follow me on Twitter @EmilyHuling to read my Energizer Moments.


  1. Emily Live in November – Thankful for being safe and healthy at home.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Selling Strategies: Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2020 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

October 2020

Strategies for Success Newsletter October 2020 Issue 178


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2020 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this October 2020 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized
  5. Emily Live


  1. Thoughts from the Office

To improve or not improve? That is the question.

“I don’t want to improve.”

That’s what Bill, our good friend and golfing buddy, told us when we asked him why he won’t take lessons to improve his pitching and chipping. Bill is a terrific golfer. Drives the ball long and accurately and makes amazing putts. His inconsistency close to the green costs him many strokes during a round. So why doesn’t Bill want to improve his short game and his score? Too much pressure he told us. He doesn’t want to set higher expectations for himself that would make a leisure-time activity feel like work.

I see his point. We don’t need to excel in everything we set out to do. It does add pressure. When you’re doing something solo and nothing major is at stake, you can choose not to improve. No harm done. However, as part of a (business) team with responsibility to clients, coworkers, partners, the success of the business that employs you, self-improvement is not optional.

Approach self-improvement on both a macro and micro level. Macro is long-term career advancement initiatives and having a three to five-year plan. Micro improvements are doable daily actions that build personal performance, reputation, knowledge, and relationships.

Resources for both macro and micro self-improvement are countless these days. Create and track your personal plans to assure immediate satisfaction and long-term success.

Did you miss my Thoughts from the Office Zoomed Out in the September 2020 newsletter? Many thanks to the readers who wrote to tell me it was spot on and being shared!


  1. Thoughts from Home


Have you been dropping things, running into things, and just feeling more physically unbalanced since pandemic stay-at-home started? I have been! My mishaps included hitting dishes on the granite counter while loading the dishwasher, running into the edge of the dining room table that has been in the same place for 30 years, and misjudging the distance of the car door from my body when closing it. Bummer, ouch, and ouch. What a relief to read an article in The Atlantic by Amanda Mull called “Everyone I know keeps breaking things” to assure me that I am not alone.

Surprisingly, stress and anxiety are not the main cause of our increased accidents. The primary source is our loss of spatial awareness. Dr. Gerald Voelbel, an occupational-therapy professor at NYU, describes spatial awareness as our “ability to accurately perceive where your body is in relation to the things in the world around it.” By spending more time in a too-familiar environment (our home), we are not as careful as when we are in the outside world when we pay more attention to unfamiliar surroundings.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for what we are experiencing, and it looks like we will continue to be in our home environment a lot for the foreseeable future. Be careful, have bandages, ice packs and aspirin on hand. If you find a good deal on breakable household items, it may be wise to stock up!


  1. Josmo’s Café

October kicks off increased apple and pumpkin baking month at Josmo’s Café!

I created a new super moist Apple Cinnamon Cake recipe, John’s favorite combination, by combining several of our favorite apple cake recipes. Make it a day before serving to enhance flavor and moistness. It’s a great coffee cake or top it off with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a terrific dessert.

Josmo’s Café fans, don’t forget about our most requested dessert of the season Frosted Pumpkin Cake Squares. I had to go to three stores before I found canned pumpkin so shop ahead if you plan on making it.

We have 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website. Many great dishes and sweets to make and enjoy!


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute this month is called Compared to What?

Take a bird break! The summer photography awards issue of Audubon magazine is a keeper! Not only are the photos spectacular, a number of resources to educate and entertain us are provided. A few to check out are: Zooniverse, a research site for everyday people to participate and contribute to bird science; learn to identify bird songs with Birding by Ear lessons; watch the movies Hummingbirds on Amazon Prime and Dancing with the Birds on Netflix.

Follow me on Twitter @EmilyHuling to read my Energizer Moments.


  1. Emily Live – Enjoying our beautiful North Carolina autumn!


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Selling Strategies: Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2020 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

September 2020

Strategies for Success Newsletter September 2020 Issue 177


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2020 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this September 2020 issue:

  1. Thoughts from Home
  2. Thoughts from the Office
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized
  5. Emily Live


  1. Thoughts from Home

A parable worth repeating

A man and a woman have been married for nearly fifty years. Although they love each other in every way, the wife has one thing she resents about her husband which she never has confronted.

For their entire marriage, the man has always given his wife the heel of every loaf of bread. Whether it was a sandwich, garlic bread, or bread fresh from the oven, he always made sure she got the heel of bread.

One day, exasperated, she finally exclaimed as he was passing her the heel of bread, “Why can’t I ever have the soft middle of the bread? I hate the heel. I’ve only eaten it all these years to make you happy. Why can’t you ever take the heel to show you love me?”

“I’ve always given it to you,” the man said softly, “because it’s my favorite part.”

Moral of the story. It’s risky to assume that what others do is intentionally selfish or hurtful. Don’t let your emotions fester. Speak up and talk things through.


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Zoomed Out

We have another health crisis that is getting little attention. Video fatigue. People are telling me they are exhausted being on video calls all day long.

I have started declining video chats for conversations that can (and did) take place quite successfully by using the phone, document or screen sharing, or webinars with participation features.

Face it, it’s stressful to be watched, watch yourself, worry about personal appearance, connection or equipment issues, lighting, background, surprise visual interruptions, and so on.

I hear a variety of comments from my clients who strongly believe video meetings are necessary for all connections. “How do I know they are paying attention if I can’t see them?”  “My team needs to see each other.” “I want to view expression and body language.” “I can’t believe people are complaining about getting dressed for work.” “No one cares what others look like if it’s an internal meeting. They can come as they are.”

Video chat has earned its place in supporting business relationships and success. However, if burnout is occurring, it’s time to be selective about the use of it. Here are some guidelines I use to determine which engagement tool (phone, webinar, video chat) would be best.

  1. For a group meeting, what’s the agenda and expectation? Presentation only, education, or discussion? Make a decision accordingly.
  2. If you are seeking interaction, have you given participants topics in advance in preparation to share their thoughts?
  3. Is it a conversation between two or three people to brainstorm, problem solve, or discuss a specific issue? Would a phone and shared documents be all that is needed?
  4. Client conversations – what does the client prefer? You may need to explain the options, what you recommend, and why.
  5. Client meeting that would otherwise be in-person plus a need to manage multiple remote contacts and reference materials. Video chat recommended.

There is a lot of pressure adjusting to new work and home routines. Anything an employer can do to relieve further stress will help the team, their families, your clients, and your business.


  1. Josmo’s Café

Our fig trees have been overflowing this year from lots of rain and southern summer heat. After making countless batches of my yummy Fig Orange Jam, I needed to branch out. I discovered this Fig Preserves Cake recipe so I could use my homemade fig jam. Win-win! Make the cake a day ahead to enhance both flavor and moistness. It is delicious!

Last month’s featured recipe, Peach Sorbet from Canned Peaches was a huge hit with readers. One Josmo’s Café fan wrote to tell me he made a variation of the recipe using canned pears, pear vodka, and vanilla ice cream and it was scrumptious. We will be making it soon!

We have over 90 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website. Many great dishes and sweets to make and enjoy!


  1. Stay Energized

If you find yourself making excuses for not getting things done, you may benefit from listening to our Energizer Minute this month called No Excuses.

Are you in emoji overload? There is a reason! 92% of online users use emojis daily. Learn 29 more facts about emojis at Need help interpreting emojis? Check out

Follow me on Twitter @EmilyHuling to read my Energizer Moments.


  1. Emily Live – Enjoying all my time in North Carolina.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Selling Strategies: Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2020 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

August 2020

Strategies for Success Newsletter August 2020 Issue 176


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2020 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this August 2020 issue:

  1. Thoughts from Home
  2. Thoughts from the Office
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized
  5. Emily Live


  1. Thoughts from Home

Outfoxing the raccoons

One of the positive perks for me of stay-at-home orders was the opportunity to have a nice herb garden in the limited sunny area we have in our yard. In three 24-inch planters, I planted basil, oregano, chives, flat-leaf parsley, curly parsley, and sweet mint. With plenty of sun, water, and Miracle Grow, the plants were flourishing. I was looking forward to making pesto, grilled vegetables with fresh herbs, frittatas, and with the sweet mint, lots of Mojitos.

The morning I planned to make the pesto, I went to the garden with scissors in hand to cut the basil. “Oh NO!” I screamed. There was not a leaf or stem of an Italian herb left! Surprisingly, the sweet mint was untouched. We laughed that the raccoons had Italian tastes and at least we still had Mojitos to look forward to! Our excitement was short-lived when the next morning we found every bit of the sweet mint eaten. We had a good laugh that the raccoon had digestive issues from eating Italian and discovered on a Google search that mint relieves indigestion.

I wanted to replant, but we weren’t sure John could successfully fence an area that would keep out the raccoons. We started adding up the outlay of herb replacement, fencing materials, time, and questionable success as to whether we could keep the raccoons out. Sweet husband that he is, he was willing to give it a go. We set off to Lowe’s.

On the ride I had an aha moment! How about a dog crate? In no time flat, I found a 30” x 42” double door dog crate. My plastic planters would fit perfectly in this locked cage.

Fast-forward 6 weeks. My herbs are thriving in the dog crate. I’ve made two huge batches of pesto, getting through all my herb-based recipes and sharing plenty with neighbors. The Mojitos are as good as always!

The solution to our herbs and raccoon drama has given us food for thought. When the season is over, we now have a dog crate for a 71-90-pound dog. I do love collies!


  1. Thoughts from the Office

What’s on your bookshelf?

Recently asked what books helped shape my four-decade career, I had no hesitation in naming the three books that set the course of not only my business values and practices, but my life.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was written by Stephen Covey in 1989. The subtitle, Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, accurately describes why Covey’s principles have developed countless proactive, successful, and responsible individuals. It’s an in-depth read. Be prepared to highlight, bookmark, and make notes.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a 1997 book I learned about from O magazine in 2001 when Oprah interviewed Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen was so wowed by the book and its positive message, she mentioned it to Oprah. After Oprah read it and recommended it to about 10 million people, it became a bestseller. I love the book and have gifted it to countless people.

The Go-Giver, a 2007 book by Bob Burg and John David Mann, is written as a parable and easy to read. Those that follow the authors’ Five Laws of Stratospheric Success will achieve just that. Of the five laws, the one that speaks to my heart is The Law of Influence. It states, “Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.” The series of books now includes specific go-giver strategies for sales, leadership, and influencer.

Reading any of these books will have a profound impact on your life.


  1. Josmo’s Café

Peaches again! Who knew that an ordinary can of peaches in heavy syrup would make the best Peach Sorbet in just 10 minutes? Published in the June New York Times cooking section, the recipe was created in 1996 by Melanie Bernard from Bon Appetit magazine who was tasked with finding new uses for canned food. The recipe has made a resurgence during the pandemic. John improved it by adding vanilla ice cream and peach schnapps before freezing. M’m M’m good!

We have over 90 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website. Many great dishes and sweets to make and enjoy!


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute podcast for August focuses on learning. Earn Your MPA.

Are you on your B-list of at-home entertainment choices and looking for something new and creative? Netflix has a series of terrific short films (the longest is 11 minutes) from around the world called Homemade. Another interesting series I’m enjoying is The Last Dance, the Netflix docuseries of Michael Jordan’s career and the Bulls organization.

The Holderness Family videos continue to keep me laughing and laughing and laughing! There is good reason they have 547,000 YouTube subscribers!

Follow me on Twitter @EmilyHuling to read my Energizer Moments.


  1. Emily Live – Happily in North Carolina.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Selling Strategies: Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2020 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

July 2020

Strategies for Success Newsletter July 2020 Issue 175


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2020 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this July 2020 issue:

  1. Thoughts from Home
  2. Did you know….?
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized
  5. Emily Live


  1. Thoughts from Home

A lesson from animal crackers

Lisa, our good friend and next-door neighbor, was babysitting her three-year-old granddaughter, Austyn. They had been grocery shopping. When I saw them come home I made a mad dash over to visit that darling child. In her tiny hands, Austyn held a big bag of animal crackers, her reward for being good on their excursion. After eating her prize for about ten minutes, Lisa said, “Austyn, that’s enough,” and reached over to take the bag of cookies. Austyn looked quizzically at her Nana then at the nearly full bag and said with certainty, “I’m not done.”

Austyn’s not alone in being overwhelmed when too much is on her plate – both literally and figuratively. We all eat less when plates and portions are smaller. Snack-bag size servings give us a beginning and an end that we can see and count. The same holds true in our work world. Eliminating that overwhelmed feeling of endless items on a to-do list or in work folders enables us to concentrate more clearly on the task at hand and accomplish more.

What can you do to create bite-size portions at home or at work that will help better manage your mind and body?

Originally published September 2011


  1. Did you know….?

Solution to stinky and sticky

John is going to be embarrassed again. But when something has been irritating a person his whole life and an amazing remedy is found, I can’t help but think someone else may be able to benefit from the information.

John is allergic to traditional underarm deodorant. He’s tried countless traditional products and homeopathic remedies, but nothing has been able to eliminate the rash and itching that he experiences – until now!

Joe and Terry Graedon, the hosts and authors of People’s Pharmacy, recommend applying milk of magnesia with a cotton ball instead of deodorant when a person can’t tolerate aluminum-based antiperspirants. John was skeptical, but it worked! (And continues to work 10 years later!)

Please let me know if this information helps you or someone you know so John knows sharing his personal hygiene problem was worth it!

Originally published March 2010


  1. Josmo’s Café

Living in the south, we embrace peach season. July is peak season for the best South Carolina peaches. Only an hour from our home on Interstate 85 in Gaffney, SC stands a 135-foot tall water tower shaped like a peach. It’s a giant steel and concrete structure called a Peachoid. It is quite the tourist attraction!

Our favorite Fresh Peach Cake is moist, dense, and sweet. It’s one of those cakes that gets better every day. Leave it to Ina Garten to create the perfect recipe! Eat with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and you’ll be in summertime heaven.

We have over 90 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website. Many great dishes and sweets to make and enjoy!


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute podcast for June to stay sane is Chinese Finger Puzzles.

Follow me on Twitter @EmilyHuling to read my Energizer Moments.


  1. Emily Live – Still safely working from home!

Connection update

WFH/WFA (anywhere) – My only business phone number will be my current cell phone number which is 704-516-5114. Connect with me by phone or video conference.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Selling Strategies: Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2020 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

June 2020

Strategies for Success Newsletter June 2020 Issue 174


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2020 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this June 2020 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized
  5. Emily Live


Connection update

WFH/WFA (anywhere) – My only business phone number will be my current cell phone number which is 704-516-5114. Connect with me by phone or video conference.


  1. Thoughts from the Office

In sales? Now what?

In mid-March, we were suddenly enveloped in fear, uncertainty, and inconvenience. My advice to those in sales was to hold off soliciting new business. I suggested the focus be on connecting with, helping, and taking care of current clients. That was appropriate advice given the circumstances. Ten weeks later, we have arrived at a new norm with new opportunities. It’s time to get back to growing your business! Five strategies to make that happen are:

  1. Check your mindset. Is your mental state scarcity or abundance? The scarcity mindset may look like playing it safe, worrying about the future, and believing others are in dire straits and won’t be interested in what you have to offer. That attitude will decimate your career. Successful salespeople have a mindset that sees both possibility and opportunity in every connection. It’s curiosity and creativity that fuel the confidence that you make a positive difference in the lives of others. And you do!
  2. Research and assess how consumer behaviors and buying trends are changing. How does this change your sales process?
  3. Deliver your value proposition to all you encounter. What is your value proposition? Is it time to redefine it?
  4. Rethink who is on your prospect list. Pay attention to business trends, fading businesses, emerging businesses, and existing clients who are reinventing and expanding their businesses.
  5. PROVE yourself. Problem solver. Relationship builder. Open to buyer needs and budget challenges. Be Visible using a variety of communication channels. Educate by using your knowledge and expertise to help buyers make the right decisions.

Based on my observation of these changing business times, here are classes of businesses showing great growth potential. Construction, landscaping, home improvement and repair, commercial and residential cleaning both service and suppliers, grocery stores and specialty food stores, online-only retailers, leisure and recreational goods including gardening, camping, all types of recreational vehicles, boats, fitness equipment, meal preparation and food home delivery services.

A final reminder. A client recently told me of a new commercial account they wrote. The current agent failed to do an account review which would have revealed a changed business warranting classification and payroll adjustments resulting in a lower premium. Two takeaways. It’s critical to take care of your existing clients so they don’t have reason to leave. Those seeking new business have opportunities when an agent is sleeping on the job. When you do both of those things, your continued success is assured!


  1. Thoughts from Home

A masked smile

When you wear a mask and smile, does anyone see it?

I’ve been asking myself that question for the past few weeks as we reenter the world – masked. Extrovert that I am, I smile at people I don’t know. Most of the time, I get a big smile in return. It’s one of the joys in my life. There’s an old saying, “If you meet someone without a smile, give them yours.”

So how am I dealing with this new reality? I’m still smiling at people with my mask on. A broader smile since I need to be sure it shows in my eyes. I nod to acknowledge folks. I say hello or excuse me as before even though it sounds mumbled.

Slowly, people are getting accustomed to going about their business with a mask on. Let’s not let that visible barrier prevent us from being friendly and connecting with others. In fact, we need that emotional connection now more than ever.


  1. Josmo’s Café

It’s time for summer salads! Our State, our wonderful North Carolina magazine, published the recipe Lemony Pea and Mint Salad in the April issue. It’s fabulous! I use the fresh mint I grow in my herb garden. (That is until the raccoon devoured all of my herbs! I have replanted and my herb planters are now sitting inside a large dog crate with extra locks!)

Don’t forget our other great summer sides to enjoy including Baked Vidalia Onions and Pickled Summer Squash. Both are big hits with our Josmo’s Café guests!

Gluten-free eaters, I want to tell you about two great store-bought cookies I found that are as good as the real things! If you miss the Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies, try Goodie Girl Mint Cookies. Looking for a crisp ginger snap cookie? I discovered Mi-Del Ginger Snaps. I hope you can find them in your store since they are popular!

Check out the story of how Josmo’s Café came into being and dozens of other Josmo’s Cafe recipes on our website.


  1. Stay Energized

Feel good videos for your coffee break today.

I badly miss going to the theater, so I was thrilled to get my musical fix compliments of James Corden, Emily Blunt, and Lin Manuel Miranda. 22 Musicals in 12 Minutes. It’s delightful! I’ve watched it numerous times!

Two great laugh-out-loud pandemic videos to watch are The Holderness Family’s Training for Real Life and from imomsohard I Appreciate Teachers So Hard.

Our Energizer Minute podcast for June to stay sane is Seek Help.

Follow me on Twitter @EmilyHuling to read my weekday Energizer Moments.


  1. Emily Live – Still working from home!

Connection update

WFH/WFA (anywhere) – My only business phone number will be my current cell phone number which is 704-516-5114. Connect with me by phone or video conference.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Selling Strategies: Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2020 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

May 2020

Strategies for Success Newsletter May 2020 Issue 173


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2020 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this May 2020 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Road
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized
  5. Emily Live


  1. Thoughts from the Road

Timeless leadership lessons

It feels like a lifetime ago, but it’s only been eight weeks since John and I saw the remarkable four-star General Colin Powell (Ret.) speak at the WSIA Underwriting Summit in beautiful Palm Desert, CA. In a moderated question and answer format, General Powell shared a handful of stories from his life in public service. Son of Jamaican immigrants and raised in the South Bronx, his decorated military career spanned 35 years. General Powell served under four presidents including Ronald Reagan as National Security Advisor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for both George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, and as Secretary of State for George W. Bush.

I had three takeaways from General Powell’s insightful comments.

  1. President George H.W. Bush governed his administration by trusting the expertise and advice of his cabinet and their direct reports. By listening to all sides of the issues, President Bush created a safe environment so the experts discussing important issues felt free to express contrary opinions. This approach enabled President Bush to make thoughtful and educated decisions based on all views. Do you listen to all sides of an issue before making a decision?
  1. President Ronald Reagan empowered his cabinet and administrative staff with the authority specific to their experience and talents. He expected his staff to use their authority and not trouble him with “their problems.” By trusting his leadership team and staff, President Reagan promoted a culture of respect and accountability. Do you grant authority and empower people to use it?

General Powell said these two leadership approaches guided him in his future leadership roles.

  1. General Powell’s closing comments reflected on the future. “The future is our youth,” he said. He encouraged us to do whatever possible to lead, mentor, educate, and develop young people. No matter what your position is, what are you doing to help develop the next generation of professionals?

Listening to all sides of an issue, granting authority and empowering people to use it, and developing future professionals are necessary and doable whether we work together in an office or use online platforms to communicate. Great leadership has no boundaries.


  1. Thoughts from Home

Old-fashioned (online) fun

Golly gee, wilikers! It’s Mayberry month on MeTV! Andy, Barney, Opie, Aunt Bee, and Gomer are very special to me. I enjoyed the original The Andy Griffith Show that aired from 1960-1968. There were a total of 249 half-hour episodes during eight seasons. My favorite episode is The Pickle Story from season two. Andy and Barney try to help Aunt Bee break Clara Johnson’s 11-year blue ribbon winning streak at the annual fair. In the end, it’s the guys honesty and integrity that triumphs. The result is total hilarity.

As luck would have it, Mt. Airy, NC, Andy Griffith’s hometown and the inspiration for Mayberry, is only 80 miles up Interstate 77 from my home in Terrell. Our out-of-town guests love to visit Mt. Airy so we visit Mayberry often. It never gets old. The police car, Wally’s Service Station, Mayberry Courthouse, and Snappy Lunch are popular stops.

Our favorite place is The Andy Griffith Museum which was founded in 2009 by Andy’s childhood friend. During a January visit we stayed almost two hours walking through sets, seeing props and watching clips of the show and Andy Griffith’s movies. Once a month, Thelma Lou (Betty Lynn) visits the museum to talk to visitors.

The attractions are all closed now, of course. Until you can visit, here’s a touching 5-minute video of Brad Paisley and Andy Griffith from 2009 singing Brad’s song Waitin’ on a Woman.


  1. Josmo’s Café

I hit the jackpot googling crock pot chicken recipes. Our favorite so far of the many that I selected is Crock Pot Maple Dijon Chicken Drumsticks. So easy. I had all six ingredients on hand. I’m sure you will have them as well. An additional bonus was that the house smelled heavenly for the four hours it cooked. Enjoy!

Check out the story of how Josmo’s Café came into being and dozens of other Josmo’s Cafe recipes on our website.


  1. Stay Energized

How does she do it? Kelly Donahue-Piro of Agency Performance Partners continues to provide free terrific daily video blogs for insurance professionals. Start with the blog on March 24 and watch them all. In addition to the informative and skill-building blogs, Kelly provides 3 Tips that educate or amuse and a Pay It Forward plan. Kelly can Zoom into your office meetings live or with her video blog. Thank you, Kelly for providing daily inspiration and business advice to get us through this stranger-than-fiction time!

I love watching birds! Our bird feeder has lots of activity this spring. The hummingbird feeder will be hung this weekend. When I can’t sit out on our screen porch and watch them live, I visit the Audubon site to view incredible videos and photos from around the world. Take a break and do some bird watching now.

Speaking of birds, our Energizer Minute podcast for the month of May is Don’t Feed the Pigeons.

Follow me on Twitter @EmilyHuling to read my weekday Energizer Moments.


  1. Emily Live – Only at my local grocery store and post office and wearing a mask.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Selling Strategies: Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2020 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

April 2020

Strategies for Success Newsletter April 2020 Issue 172


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2020 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this April 2020 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Others
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized
  5. Emily Live


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Pulling through

In writing this issue, I debated on totally avoiding the COVID-19 topic to give us all a break. But I can’t. There are too many business-continuation tips to share. Included are tips from my own 26-year work-from-home experience, ideas generated from my clients and industry business leaders, and resources to stay connected and informed.

Work from home

  • Communicating daily schedules is critical. Use a month-at-a glance dry-erase or paper calendar in a central location. If more than two in the household, consider each person having his or her own calendar. List business calls, schooling schedules, mealtimes, chores and meal prep responsibilities. Planning, posting, and communicating will help avoid miscommunication, resentment, and “I didn’t know…”
  • Parents juggling their own work and their children’s schooling should share all responsibilities. Establish new house rules to share household work. It’s only fair.
  • Get dressed for work. This is important psychologically and for unexpected virtual meetings. If you wouldn’t wear it at the office (ball caps, ultra-comfy casual or social clothes) then don’t wear it working from home.
  • Create your own private space that is free from noise and disruption. Creativity may be required. Decide whether you want to share that you are working from a bathroom!
  • Use your alarm settings to stay on track with your schedule that now includes work and home responsibilities. Be as responsible to your family in keeping your time agreements as you are with your business associates. Let your colleagues and clients know your timing. You can always call back or reschedule. Everyone will understand that these are unique times.
  • Limit news to two times a day. No matter your source of information, the media strategy remains “if it bleeds, it leads.” Don’t get sucked in.
  • Restrict personal calls and connections. Friends and family may not think you are working since you are at home. Let those people know when you are available for personal chats (other than emergencies).

Client relationships

On March 26, I watched an informative panel discussion hosted by Insurance Business America called Coronavirus: Keeping Broker’s Business Running. Joel Cavaness, President of Risk Placement Services, Inc. said this about client relationships. “This time is critical. It is how we will be judged in the future.” Well said. Agents, carriers, and brokers all have a commitment to reach out to their respective clients to show caring, demonstrate professionalism, and validate why they have been selected as trusted advisor or insurance wholesaler or company.

Work with your team to create a list of what clients and partners to connect with. Create a detailed action plan of who, when, and how to best personally reach out. Some organizations will need contact at multiple levels. Do not put this off. The next couple of weeks are vital connection times.

I’m impressed with all the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram posts I’m seeing from my clients and connections. Keep up the great work!

Coworker connections

Connecteam is a great low-cost, one-stop resource to keep remote workers connected.  The link will take you to a great article on remote team-building games. When I read the list of activities, I realize how little we know about those we spend hours and hours with under one roof. What an opportunity to broaden the number of people we connect with and deepen the relationships we already have!

Leadership from the top

Crisis breeds fear and uncertainty. Those feelings can be quieted when top leaders (owners, presidents, and regional executives) communicate directly and frequently using a variety of communication methods. Here are some ideas.

  • Video briefings and updates to employees to relay information. Weekly or more frequently if needed. Keep people informed!
  • Coffee chats using two-way communication platforms. Smaller groups allow for all to participate to ask questions, share concerns, and success stories. Have people sign up for specific times. Ask for questions in advance. Mix up team members.
  • Daily morning e-mail motivational messages. Yes, daily. Feeling isolated is a huge change for office workers. Occasional work-from-home days are a break. This is not. This is our new reality. Send e-mails that relay confidence in your team. “You can do it” stories and quotes. Employee, client, partner feel-good and success stories. Solicit that information from your managers. This is also an opportunity to share your human side that employees who don’t work directly with you may never see. What are you grateful for? Share photos. How are you handling the challenges in your changed life? What are you and your family watching or binging? What Museums or National Parks are you virtually visiting? Recipes to share? Take-out meals you enjoy? Games you are playing? Zoom book clubs, wine and cheese parties? Convey how you really are in this together.

Stay informed

 Here are three daily resources I’m finding invaluable to stay abreast of industry news, employment issues and new laws, and advice for agents on how best to work with policyholders.

Insurance Business America – free subscription

Society for Human Resources – annual membership fee is $219.00

Agency Performance Partners – Kelly Donahue-Piro is providing terrific daily video blogs for agents. Start with the blog on March 24 and watch them all. The blog posted on March 29 provides scripts for insurance teams when talking with insureds. Free subscription.

I hope this list provides new ideas or helps you generate your own.

Remember that your number one job is to STAY HEALTHY!


  1. Thoughts from Others

The Guest House by Sufi Mystic Rumi (13th Century)

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.


  1. Josmo’s Café

I hope you are finding more time to cook and bake! Impress your family with this fast and easy one-pan Pear Cobbler.  Older children can easily make it on their own. Serve it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. It’s the comfort food we all can use right now!

Many of us are using this time to clean, clean, clean! John and I have been using my cousin’s reusable cloth towel product called Rakot75. Use it, rinse it, wash it, and reuse it. It’s soft and does not scratch surfaces. It does a great job polishing our granite counters and stainless steel appliances.

Check out the story of how Josmo’s Café came into being and dozens of other Josmo’s Cafe recipes on our website.


  1. Stay Energized

Take a mental health break. Grab a cup of soothing chamomile tea and watch flowers bloom in this 4-minute time-lapse video.

Our Energizer Minute podcast for the month of April is Boiling Eggs.

Follow me on Twitter @EmilyHuling to read my weekday Energizer Moments.


  1. Emily Live and subject to change….
  • Agency Management CIC, Charlotte, NC – May 13-14, 2020
  • Agency Management CIC, Wichita, KS – June 16-17, 2020


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Selling Strategies: Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2020 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

March 2020

Strategies for Success Newsletter March 2020 Issue 171


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2020 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this March 2020 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Road
  2. Thoughts from the Office
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized
  5. Emily Live


  1. Thoughts from the Road

Got empathy?

I was on a very short flight from Houston to Austin hoping to catch a brief nap. That was not to be. Even before the young woman sat down beside me in the DMS (dreaded middle seat), I could feel her positive energy and kindness. With a big smile, Maram introduced herself as a healthcare professional and an advocate for empathy. “In fact,” she said, “my friends call me the empathy princess.” (#empathyprincess)

Maram pulled a button from her bag and gifted it to me. It says EMPATHY – Embracing Mindful Possibilities Allowing Trusting Heartful Yielding. We chatted throughout the flight. On her Twitter feed @MaramMPH, she has posted thoughtful reminders not just for the healthcare field. The key to empathy is allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. Reach out to people because asking someone how they are doing is priceless during hardships. Always be mindful and put yourself in people’s shoes. If we are too focused on ourselves, what room do we have for empathy?

Maram had one request of me when we said our goodbyes. “Empathy. Pass it on.”


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Parting ways

My client, an agency owner I’ll call James, called me with a dilemma. He had an employee who repeatedly was not meeting performance and production expectations even after many conversations and coaching. James knew nothing was going to change and he needed to take action. However, it was complicated. They were longtime friends and traveled in the same social circles. James asked if I could help him figure out how to sever the business relationship and remain friends.

Fortunately, the agency has a strong culture with written vision, mission, and value statements. I told James that having those documents to refer to along with specifics of the employee’s actual results would help de-personalize the conversation. James should keep the conversation focused on the agency goals and the strategies and actions needed by all employees to achieve them. After stating this, I recommended to James that he be quiet and give the employee time to respond.

That is what James did. James told me he was surprised by the employee’s response. His friend thanked him for taking the initiative to end his employment! He told James, “I didn’t want to let you down. I’ve been trying to make it work, but this isn’t for me. I didn’t have the courage to tell you.”

Moral of the story 1. A company benefits from clarity and transparency on its vision and goals. It sets the foundation of performance expectations to more easily deal with issues that run contrary.

Moral of the story 2. Accept that ending relationships is part of life. To help navigate changes that need to happen, read the book by Dr. Henry Cloud titled Necessary Endings or watch his  terrific 47-minute video on the topic. Dr. Cloud’s approach and advice will help better understand why making tough decisions is crucial and provide guidance to act decisively and responsibly.


  1. Josmo’s Café

Add me to the list of people you know who follow gluten-free eating. It’s a diet that’s easy to follow these days with both ready-made food choices and gluten-free ingredients. This recipe for Gluten-free Cheesecake was a huge hit with our guests. In fact, we all decided the crust was even better using the gluten-free graham crackers! Enjoy!

Check out the story of how Josmo’s Café came into being and dozens of other Josmo’s Cafe recipes on our website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute podcast for the month of March is Spring Forward.

Follow me on Twitter @EmilyHuling to read my weekday Energizer Moments.


  1. Emily Live
  • WSIA Underwriting Summit – Palm Desert, CA – February 29-March 4, 2020
  • Agency Management CIC, Wichita, KS – March 17-18, 2020
  • Agency Management CIC, Charlotte, NC – May 13-14, 2020


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Selling Strategies: Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2020 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.