Category: <span>Newsletter</span>

February 2023

Strategies for Success Newsletter February 2023 Issue 206


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2023 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this February 2023 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Step away so others can step up

Our friend Gary, age 65, owns a landscaping company. His son Andy, age 40, has worked for his father his entire life. Gary is a controlling person, never allowing Andy to be in a decision-making position. Gary told me he doubted Andy could run the company. When Gary told Andy he was going retire and sell the company, Andy surprised his father by telling him he wanted to buy it. Financial arrangements were made. Gary retired and totally stepped away from the business operations, however he did remain involved with the finances.

About six months later, I had an update from Gary. “I finally let him off the bench. Turns out, he’s a winning quarterback.” Andy made changes quickly. Let some employees go, hired good replacements, improved employee benefits, and created a partnership with a construction company for referrals and to share resources. Andy thrived once his father stepped away.

Moral of the story. Most businesses have under-utilized employees. Begin with behavioral assessments (I recommend Omnia Group) and one-on-one conversations to help identify individuals who have new ideas and can add value to the organization. Then step away and allow them to step up.


  1. Thoughts from Home

If it’s a secret, please don’t tell me!

“Emily, I’m going to tell you something, but it’s a secret. Be sure not to tell your brother or your cousin. It’s OK to tell John but be sure he knows it’s a secret, too.”

Stop! This conversation with my aunt was entering dangerous territory. Sharing confidential information puts both the speaker and the receiver in a bad place. Why? The mind hears the thought and enters it into the brain. Unfortunately, “don’t tell” may not be part of the memory. We know information, but we can’t remember the status. In addition, once information is retold, it’s easy to repeat it again. After it crosses our lips, we have a permanent record in our brain of having told it. We forget that it’s a secret.

Thank goodness I was paying attention to the conversation. I quickly said, “Aunt Judy, please don’t tell me this if it’s something I’m not supposed to know.” “Oh,” she said, sounding disappointed.

Moral of the story: Don’t share (or permit being told) information that is a secret.

Note: This was originally published in a prior newsletter.


  1. Josmo’s Café

Josmo’s Household Tip – My sister-in-law Tommi has the best household tips and tricks as well as being a fabulous cook. Her most recent advice is how to remove stubborn stains such as blood, salad dressing, or grease from clothes. The tip is to use Dawn Powerwash. When I googled the product, I found this video showing ten other uses for it. You’ll be glad to have it on your shelf!

February is a good time for a lazy Sunday morning brunch. I’ve been looking at new brunch recipes, however, I keep returning to our favorite recipes. The two recipes you can do the night before and pop in the oven are Blueberry French Toast and Honey Oven-Baked French Toast. The favorite brunch dish of our Josmo’s Café guests is Grand Marnier French Toast. Everyone keeps John company drinking Mimosa’s while he cooks the French Toast on the electric griddle.

Enjoy your weekend mornings!


  1. Stay Energized

Four things you can’t recover:

The stone after the throw,
The word after it’s said,
The occasion after it’s missed,
The time after it’s gone.

by Deanna Wadsworth

Our Energizer Minute for February is The Power of Suggestion.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2023 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

January 2023

Strategies for Success Newsletter January 2023 Issue 205


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2023 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this January 2023 issue:

  1. Thoughts from Others
  2. Thoughts from the Office
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from Others

It’s been almost 20 years since I watched Dr. Wayne Dyer, who passed away in 2015, present The Power of Intention on public television. In that inspiring talk and companion book, Dr. Dyer describes intention as an energy force that gives us the opportunity to connect and co-create. I still have the handwritten copy of the notes I took in August 2004 from that talk. Since January is the month of reflection and resolutions, I thought it would be meaningful to share Dyer’s Dozen.

  1. Want more for others than you want for yourself.
  2. Think from the end.
  3. Be an appreciator in your life.
  4. Stay in rapport with Source.
  5. Understand resistance.
  6. Contemplate yourself surrounded by the conditions you want to produce.
  7. Understand the art of allowing.
  8. Practice radical humility.
  9. Stay in a constant state of gratitude.
  10. Keep in mind that you can never resolve a problem by condemning it.
  11. Play the match game.
  12. Meditate

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life and Wishes Fulfilled are two other books by Dr. Dyer that are meaningful to me.


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Assess what it takes for career success

“By all rights I should be a waitress in a truck stop.”

Those memorable opening words were said to me by Kathryn, the owner of an independent agency. As a self-made professional, Kathryn wanted her staff to realize that it’s individual choices and actions that make-or-break career success. Here is the self-assessment we created to get those conversations started.

  1. I have a vision of my career path and a position I would like in the future.
  2. I have done a personal skill inventory to determine what I need to learn to achieve my career goals.
  3. I have a written personal development plan.
  4. I take initiative and volunteer for projects to advance my skills.
  5. I have a role model and/or mentor to help guide me in my development.
  6. I take advantage of learning programs my employer offers.
  7. I dress and behave like a person in a higher-level position.
  8. I read and/or take classes on my own to advance my professionalism.
  9. I pay attention to feedback my supervisor offers about my job performance.
  10. I have a strong business network to stay connected with the industry.

Whether you’re new to business or want to fast-forward your career, reflecting on these questions will advance your thoughts and actions to reach your goals.


  1. Josmo’s Café

Nothing better on a cold winter day than cooking comfort food that makes the house smell wonderful. Two of our favorite winter main dishes that do that are Chicken Marbella and Salmon Baked with Dijon Mustard Sauce.

Since I’m repeating recipes, don’t forget to make those yummy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. Perfect to have with a steaming cup of coffee or hot chocolate.


  1. Stay Energized

John gifted me two great daily desk calendars that will keep me learning and puzzling all year long. Life Hacks provides daily tips and tricks for easier and more conscious living and Daily Brain Games that will either keep me sharp or totally frustrated. Not sure what his real intention is on that one!

Our Energizer Minute for January is Lose Weight.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2023 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

December 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter December 2022 Issue 204


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.

In this December 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Can you deliver what you promise?

John and I bought our dream car this year. It’s a Genesis GV70. An added perk was the concierge package offered by Genesis. For the first 30,000 miles, routine maintenance is complimentary plus the dealership sends an employee to our home with a loaner car, leaves their car, takes ours back to be serviced and returns it that day. What a luxury!

At the first oil change, John called to schedule the concierge service. He was politely told they didn’t have the staff now to provide it. There was a two-month wait. In the scheme of things, it was no big deal. We’ve been taking cars for service our entire lives. However, a service was offered they could not provide on a timely basis leaving us with a negative experience.

Moral of the story. Pay attention to what is committed to customers. A satisfied customer can quickly become dissatisfied not with what you did, but what you promised and couldn’t do.


  1. Thoughts from Home

Be a thoughtful party guest

At-home holiday entertaining is in full swing now. While I see plenty of advice on how to host a good gathering, I rarely see tips on how to be a considerate party or dinner guest. Here’s my advice to guests from years of hosting parties.

  • RSVP as early as possible.
  • Don’t bring fresh cut flowers that need to be put in a vase. Your host is busy greeting people, getting drinks, and putting the food out. The last thing she needs to do is find a vase and arrange fresh flowers.
  • Do bring a small hostess gift. A plant, a bottle of wine (do not expect it to be opened), or a gourmet food item are all appropriate hostess gifts. Do not expect your offering to be opened when received. Be sure it’s in a gift bag or has a tag on it with a note and your name.
  • Don’t bring an unexpected food item to be served. Years ago, we had a cocktail party and a guest brought a big pot of soup. She had made it that day and thought people would enjoy it. A nice gesture, but a bit out of step. I kept the soup warm on the cooktop and put a few bowls beside it.
  • Don’t leave your dirty dishes on tables. Find the area, probably the kitchen, where you can dispose of used plates and glasses.
  • Ignore your phone. We all look things up when we talk with people and that’s fine. Avoid responding to messages and calls that can wait until later.
  • Some hosts ask about dietary considerations, especially for a dinner party. If you get the feeling your restrictions are too much for the host to accommodate, offer to bring your own food. At no time during a party should you complain to anyone that there is nothing you can eat. You don’t want that to get back to the host.
  • A friendly reminder. Don’t drink too much. Don’t talk politics.
  • If you find you can’t attend, let the host know as early as possible. Always tell the host you can’t make it to the gathering even if it’s at the last minute.
  • For a dinner party, it’s appropriate to stay about an hour after dinner is over, unless you are rushed out the door by the host.
  • Offer to help clear dishes and clean up.
  • Write a brief thank you note a day or two after the party. Text, e-mail, or handwritten all work.

Have fun at your holiday gatherings!


  1. Josmo’s Café

Cheesy Potato Casserole is another great recipe from my sister-in-law Tommi. Everyone loves it! It’s easy to adjust for the number of guests. Make it ahead and pop it in the oven when you’re ready. Enjoy!

Our holiday entertaining is not complete unless I make the impressive, delicious and colorful appetizer Goat Cheese, Ricotta, and Pesto Terrine. Your guests will love it!


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for December is The Power of One.

We want to share some things we’ve enjoyed this year that you may like as well.

  • Playing the easy and fun card game Five Crowns with friends and family.
  • Listening to the 2019 four-hour audio book of Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White. Beautifully narrated by Meryl Streep, the cast brings to life Fern, Wilbur, Charlotte, and Templeton. A timeless story for all ages to enjoy.
  • Reading the creative and quirky novel Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Be prepared to fall in love with Elizabeth Zott and Six-Thirty.
  • Advancing to 1000-piece jigsaw puzzles. Some puzzles have position clues on the back. Some don’t!
  • Doing Wordle with John every day. Sharing the result with our best buddy.
  • Sharing my homemade soups, breads and almond granola with our dear 85-year-old neighbors.
  • Taking the children in our life to lots of festivals and science centers.

John and I wish you an abundance of fun and laughter in the new year!


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

November 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter November 2022 Issue 203


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this November 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

How employees are treated mirrors how employees treat your customers.

That is a principle I have been preaching since I started Selling Strategies. I was reminded of that when I was chatting with Jason, our friendly and competent pest control service man. Before recently joining this national pest control company, Jason worked at one of the big box home improvement stores. I asked Jason how he liked his new work and the company. Without hesitating, he began raving about them! Impressed, I asked Jason to elaborate. Here’s what he told me.

He receives continuous training on the technical aspects of the job and on customer relations. He is clear on what is expected to meet company standards.

He praised his employer’s attention to safety and the well-being of employees. He drives a quality service vehicle that is well maintained. Jason took off his logo ball cap to show me that it really is a hard hat that has saved him from head injuries on several occasions.

Jason and his supervisor have a scheduled one-on-one conversation every other week. This gives him the opportunity to ask questions and receive performance feedback. He values both.

Jason then compared his prior seven-year employment experience to his current one. Suffice it to say, there is no comparison! He wishes he had moved on sooner.

Moral of the story. If your customers are unhappy with any aspect of your business operation, the first place to look is in the mirror.


  1. Thoughts from Home

What would life look like if….?

During a past visit to Vivian, my counselor, coach, and conscience, she presented a question to me to challenge my thinking. “Ask yourself,” she said, “what would life look like if…?” She suggested I create three endings to the statement. Vivian reminded me that to move forward, we need to let go. Holding on to positive notions can be as thwarting to personal growth as holding on to negative perceptions.

She gave me an example to get me started. “What would life look like if you didn’t work so much?” My mind and mouth quickly went on the defensive. “But I love my work!” She told me she knows that, and suggested I broaden my thinking to consider other ways my abilities can be used.

Here are other suggestions she gave me to consider when thinking “What would life look like if…?”

I believed I had artistic talent.

I had more time to be with (children, family, and friends).

I focused more time and attention on things that really mattered to me.

I didn’t care what others’ thought.

The example Vivian used about working too much was true, so I mulled that thought over often. Within six months, I was presented with an opportunity to volunteer to help young professionals jumpstart their careers. A law of attraction success story for sure!

Many people are grappling with “What next?” If you’ve settled into a situation – good or bad – challenge yourself with the question “What would life look like if…?” and see what happens.

Personal note: A version of this piece was in the November 2010 newsletter. 12 years later, I’m still using this personal growth exercise.


  1. Josmo’s Café

John and I have been entertaining a lot this fall. Two of our most popular dishes are perfect for holiday gatherings.  Chicken Broccoli Braid (Thank you Pillsbury for creating crescent roll sheets that are so easy to use.) and Mediterranean Orzo Salad. Enjoy!


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for November is Potholes of Life.

Speaking of life’s challenges, this classic Thanksgiving video performed by one determined turkey remains my favorite of the season.

I always learn from the NPR show Hidden Brain. The September 12, 2022 episode titled Decoding Emotions offers insight about how our social culture shapes our views, behaviors, and reactions to the world around us. Dutch-born psychologist Batja Mesquita is the author of Between Us: How Cultures Create Emotions. As our personal interactions continue to expand and diversify, I know you’ll find this interview relevant and eye opening.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

October 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter October 2022 Issue 202


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this October 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from Home
  2. Thoughts from the Office
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from Home

“I believe in you, Miss Emily. Keep practicing.”

Those are the reassuring words of encouragement spoken to me by Ella, our five-and-a-half-year-old neighbor.

Here’s what happened. John and Ella were happily whistling. John’s a very good whistler and Ella, under John’s tutelage, keeps getting better and better. Me – I have never been able to whistle. Ella and John were doing their best to teach me. Try this. Try that. Unfortunately, I had no success. I let out a discouraged sigh. Then that sweet little girl uttered those kind and caring words, “I believe in you, Miss Emily. Keep practicing.”

Moral(s) of the story. Never underestimate the importance of encouraging others. With comments like that from children, I know the future is in good hands.

I’m still practicing!


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Cultural values simplified

It’s time to start 2023 strategic planning.

New employees, a combination of remote, office, and hybrid workers, and flexible work schedules are wreaking havoc with sustaining a shared and consistent business culture.

Three reminders on why shared cultural values are critical. Shared values set uniform performance expectations regardless of position. The individual words in the statement provide organizational focus and help drive specific change. The terminology is a springboard for valuable discussions on the benefit of the values to the employee, coworkers, clients, business partners, and attaining profitable business growth.

Here are examples of simplified slogans that support the cultural values of businesses I’ve worked with.

Relationships, Retention, Referrals

Be the Difference

Excellence Service Professionalism

Proactive Personalize Protect

Initiative Professionalism Innovation

Customers First

Service Opportunity Accountability Relationships

Simplified, memorable, and meaningful slogans that clarify purpose and practices help individuals and organizations achieve desired results.


  1. Josmo’s Café

John and I are tired of plain old grilled chicken. I have a new baked chicken recipe to share that we love. Chicken, Spinach, Tomato & Basil Feta Roll-Ups.  It’s a perfect meal to make ahead then pop it in the oven for 30 minutes.

Pumpkin products are once again filling my kitchen shelves. I’ve been enjoying pumpkin yoghurt, pumpkin Goldfish crackers and Tate’s pumpkin cookies along with my pumpkin-flavored coffee. John just turns up his nose, so more for me!

Store-bought sweets cannot compare to homemade! I’ll be making our very favorite Frosted Pumpkin Cake Squares and Pumpkin Cranberry Nut Bread very soon. Each recipe calls for ½ can of pumpkin, so I make both the same day. Why mess up the kitchen two times?

No surprise that the Kim Holderness has a new four-minute video titled If Pumpkin Spice Was a Person. Hilarious!

Please see dozens of our recipes on the Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Words of wisdom said by Queen Elizabeth II.

“Grief is the price we pay for love.”

“It’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps that bring about the most lasting change.”

“It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult.”

“We may hold different points of view, but it is in times of stress and difficulty that we most need to remember that we have much more in common than there is dividing us.”

Our Energizer Minute for October is Don’t be a victim.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

September 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter September 2022 Issue 201


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this September 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Please, just answer the question

Some people (I’m guilty!) have a bad habit that derails effective communication.

When we are asked a question, rather than responding to the question posed, we start with extraneous or explanatory information rather than giving a straight answer. Consider these questions which could be answered with one word.

Have you completed the file documentation on the XYZ account?

Are you prepared for the client meeting tomorrow?

Have you determined the fastest route for us to drive to the seminar?

For efficient communication, my suggestion is to start with the simple answer – yes or no. Then pause. Consider using one of these two next steps. Either offer to provide more information or wait to hear if your questioner has a follow-up question.

Replying directly to the question that is asked demonstrates you have heard the question, you respect the person’s time, and you value your own time. All are key components in building a solid reputation and career.


  1. Thoughts from Home

Root for the other person

I don’t play enough golf to be any good, but I love the game. I only play with John and close friends, so no one seems to mind that my enthusiasm outweighs my skill.

It took me a long time to find the secret to having a good time even when I’m frustrated and discouraged. I replace the downbeat emotions I’m feeling about my game with positive and supportive feelings for others. It pleases me to no end to see my golf partners playing extremely well.

Moral of the story. Shed your disheartened mood by cheering another person on. Two benefits. No one wants to be around a sulky, dejected person. By focusing on another’s success, it’s amazing how quickly you turn your own attitude around.


  1. Josmo’s Café

Thanks to our rainy summer, I’m up to my elbows in figs. I’ve already made four double batches of Fig Orange Jam. With some of my homemade jam, I’ve made the heavenly Fig Preserves Cake. The cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon in the cake have my taste buds ready for fall and everything pumpkin!

My husband has made a few updates to his Josmo’s Cosmos recipe to make it simpler to make and tastier to drink. Check it out.

Please see dozens of our recipes on the Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

The threat of business cyberattacks is nothing new. All companies should have ongoing employee training to prevent hackers from gaining access through unintentional employee acts. Check out KnowBe4 to learn about their employee security awareness training.

Avid readers like myself can relate to this perfect quote by British playwright Alan Bennett that I found on the wall of a second-hand bookstore.

“The best moments in reading are when you come across something – a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things – that you’d thought special, particular to you. And here it is, set down by someone else, a person you’ve never met, maybe even someone long dead. And it’s as if a hand has come out and taken yours.”

Our Energizer Minute for September is Coloring Outside the Lines.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

August 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter August 2022 Issue 200


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this August 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from the Road
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Newsletter Issue 200! Thank you for your loyal readership for over 16 years! I love writing the newsletter and hearing from so many of you each month. I appreciate your sincere messages and recipe reviews.

I googled what shows have achieved 200 episode and 100-episode status. The 200 list is ten-years old (and many of the shows are still going strong!). Scrolling the lists was fun and led us on a walk down memory lane. I hope you also enjoy reading the lists.


  1. Thoughts from the Road

Exploring close to home

As much as John and I relish traveling to far-away places, we have been enjoying local travel more than ever. We consider “local” a destination that we can drive to within one to three hours. That makes for a fun day trip or a relaxing overnight stay. Our home, just north of Charlotte, is perfectly situated to drive 50-100-150 miles and reach interesting and scenic destinations. I’m sure wherever you live in our beautiful country, that is true!

John and I have had a ball exploring local county and state parks, historical sites, museums, science centers, family-owned country diners, and small towns off the beaten path. In the May 2020 issue of this newsletter, I talked about visiting Mt. Airy, NC, Andy Griffith’s hometown, the real-life Mayberry. In the November 2021 issue, I mentioned our beautiful Carolina Thread Trails, miles of greenways and blueways to explore.

My local travel advice this month is a museum benefit we use all the time. It’s called NARM. NARM is a reciprocal membership program for a network of museums in North America that extend the benefit of free admission to one another’s members (as determined by each museum individually). Your local museum membership automatically includes free entry at participating museums.

A similar science and technology center reciprocal program we also take advantage of is called ASTC Travel Passport Program.

Our list of reciprocal museums and science centers in the Southeast keeps growing. I refer to the sites regularly and keep discovering new destinations to visit.

If you aren’t currently a member of your local art museum and science center, this reciprocal membership program is the perfect reason to join. Schedule some fall weekends to explore new areas and learn more about art and science. We are so fortunate to have these vital and valuable resources in our communities!


  1. Josmo’s Café

Our recipe this month needs a warning label that says, “Beware! Potential Addiction!” My sister-in-law, Tommi, is another amazing cook and baker. Her Almond Granola is sensational! The flavor is subtle, the ingredients are minimal, and it is easy to make.

My kitchen counters are covered with blueberries and peaches. A good friend has four blueberry bushes. He gives me blueberries and I return with delicious Blueberry Buckle. It’s a sweet deal for both of us!

Our local peaches have been juicy and flavorful. My favorite peach recipe is Peach Bundt Cake. It doesn’t last long!

Wishing you abundant gardens and happy summer eating!

Please see dozens of our recipes on the Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Continuing with our lighter content this summer month, here are three recommendations for shows that John and I have recently enjoyed.

Clarkson’s Farm – Amazon Prime series – Jeremy Clarkson, famous for his British driving show and as gameshow host, becomes a full-time farmer who knew nothing about farming before he got started. The show is hilarious as we follow Jeremy and his local team of quirky experts as they battle extreme weather, stubborn animals, government regulations, and the pandemic.

Rescued by Ruby – Netflix movie – A heartwarming movie (keep Kleenex handy) of the mutual rescue between dog and policeman.

Only Murders in the Building – Hulu series – Clever and creative Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez crafted this offbeat mystery that will keep you laughing and guessing whodunit?

Our Energizer Minute for August is Picture Perfect.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

July 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter July 2022 Issue 199


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this July 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from Home
  2. Thoughts from Others
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from Home

Inward thinking

There is much outward thinking going on right now because, well, there is a lot going on in the world. When is the last time you did inward thinking?

The Proust Questionnaire is a perfect starting point for self-examination. It was Marcel Proust (1871-1922) who developed this 35-point questionnaire at the age of fourteen as a parlor game to reach into the depth of person’s character. Since then, these questions have been used for a myriad of celebrity interviews, developing literary characters, getting to know others, and self-examination.

Here are some of the 35 questions.

  1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
  2. What is your greatest fear?
  3. What do you most value in your friends?
  4. Which living person do you most admire?
  5. What is your greatest extravagance?
  6. Where would you most like to live?
  7. What is your most treasured possession?
  8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
  9. On what occasion do you lie?
  10. What is your motto?

Readers of Vanity Fair magazine will be familiar with these questions that have been used for celebrity interviews for years. Those interviewed include Lily Tomlin, Serena Williams, Jimmy Kimmel, Ray Charles, Sidney Poitier, Carrie Fischer, Bette Midler, and dozens more.

Consider using select questions to get to know your coworkers, colleagues, family, and friends a bit better. But first, why not start with yourself?


  1. Thoughts from Others

Every few years, I include Ralph Waldo Emerson’s beautiful and meaningful poem What is Success? in my newsletter.

I love the message so much that we gifted our family’s recent high school graduate with a beautifully framed copy. Quincey wasn’t familiar with the poem and loved it. It will be a perfect message to read frequently and share with others as she begins Elon University in the fall.

What is Success?

To laugh often and much

To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children

To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends

To appreciate beauty

To find the best in others

To leave the world a bit better, whether by
a healthy child, a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition

To know even one life has breathed
easier because you have lived

This is to have succeeded!


  1. Josmo’s Café

Woo hoo! We have two featured recipes this month!

When John and I visited Arizona this spring, we discovered a delicious Lemon Capellini Pasta Salad at Sprouts Farmers Market. Since we don’t have a Sprouts store close by, I found a copycat recipe. It tastes exactly like the salad from Sprouts! All the fresh herbs needed in the recipe grow in my garden, adding to the salad’s perfect copycat taste.

I couldn’t wait another month to share this next recipe with you! First, a question. Who knew adding brewed coffee to mashed bananas enhanced the flavor of the bananas?  Not me! When I tasted these muffins at my cousin Lisa’s house (Lisa is the best baker in the family) I was in love. “What’s the secret ingredient?” I asked. To my surprise Lisa said there is one – it’s brewed coffee! Delight the muffin-lovers in your life with these delicious Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins.

Please see dozens of our recipes on the Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for July is Choose when you rescue someone.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

June 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter June 2022 Issue 198


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this June 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Road
  2. Thoughts from Others
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Road

Sticky situations

When visiting beautiful Arizona in April, our friends Alexandra and Steve introduced me to a new taste treat – Savannah Bee raw honeycomb. They served this delicacy on a beautiful charcuterie board that also had meats, cheeses, crackers, fruit jam and nuts. I spread a rice cracker with raw honeycomb and topped it with creamy Brie. I took a bite. I was in epicurean love!

I raved about the honeycomb so much, Alex suggested I take the rest of it back to our rental to enjoy. Yes, thank you, I will!

As I savored the raw honeycomb every day during our stay, I discovered one drawback. It is so sticky! Sticky container, sticky hands, sticky counter. Everything in contact with that delicious honeycomb got sticky. I had a decision to make. Was the stickiness worth it?

Moral of the story. What sticky situations do you find yourself in that you need to decide whether to give up or stick it out? If the benefit outweighs the drawback, it’s best to stick with it. I did. In fact, I bought more raw honeycomb when I got home!


  1. Thoughts from Others

Small Kindnesses

By Danusha Laméris

I’ve been thinking about the way, when you walk
down a crowded aisle, people pull in their legs
to let you by. Or how strangers still say “bless you”
when someone sneezes, a leftover
from the Bubonic plague. “Don’t die,” we are saying.
And sometimes, when you spill lemons
from your grocery bag, someone else will help you
pick them up. Mostly, we don’t want to harm each other.
We want to be handed our cup of coffee hot,
and to say thank you to the person handing it. To smile
at them and for them to smile back. For the waitress
to call us honey when she sets down the bowl of clam chowder,
and for the driver in the red pick-up truck to let us pass.
We have so little of each other, now. So far
from tribe and fire. Only these brief moments of exchange.
What if they are the true dwelling of the holy, these
fleeting temples we make together when we say, “Here,
have my seat,” “Go ahead — you first,” “I like your hat.”

Danusha Laméris is poet laureate of Santa Cruz County, Calif. Her latest book of poetry, Bonfire Opera, was published in March 2020 by the University of Pittsburgh Press.


  1. Josmo’s Café

What better way to please a backyard barbeque crowd than having a super great dessert? Bundt cakes are easy to make and serve many people. My cousin Kathy, a great cook and baker, made us a yummy and super sweet Heath Bar Bundt Cake. LINK Another one of my favorite cakes is the previously featured Key Lime Bundt Cake. John and I wish you a summer of delicious treats and happy gatherings!

Please see dozens of our recipes on the Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for June is Discomfort before improvement.

I can always count on my good friend John DiBiasi to know the most offbeat stuff. We were talking about the crazy housing bubble during the past two years and that the bubble has recently burst in my area. John asked if I knew the history of what we refer to as a bubble. I did not. Sure enough, John relayed information about the first recorded socio-economic bubble called tulip mania when asset prices deviated from inherent values. It occurred during the Dutch Golden age in the 17th century when tulip bulbs sold for more than 10 times the annual income of a skilled artisan.

Read more about tulip mania and you can impress your friends with newfound knowledge!


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

May 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter May 2022 Issue 197


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this May 2022 issue:

  1. Have you read…?
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Thoughts from Others
  4. Josmo’s Cafe
  5. Stay Energized


  1. Have you read…?

Soundview Executive Book Summaries continue to provide me quick insight into current business trends. The book I Love It Here – How Great Leaders Create Organizations Their People Never Want to Leave by Clint Pulver, a leading authority on employee retention, hit many high points that I know to be true to attract and retain top talent.

  • Managers – are you the problem or the solution? Employees need to feel valued, understand and share your company’s vision, and know that what they do matters.
  • Promote people from within the organization.
  • Hire for attitude, behavior, and character. Refer to my 17 Terrific Tips to Hire the Right Person for a detailed list of effective hiring practices and valuable resources.
  • Let your employees focus on what they do best. Give them responsibilities where they will excel.
  • As a leader, observe, evaluate, and make adjustments frequently for each employee.
  • Examine current employment policies, compensation, and benefits compared to what others in your area or industry are offering. Keep up or you will lose out.

Here are two more thoughts I have on this subject. If an employee is determined to leave, wish them well. If a valued employee has made a mistake in leaving and wants to return, interview them as if they were a new candidate. Uncover the issues that resulted in their leaving. If those issues can be resolved, great. If not, it wasn’t meant to work out.

PS. Here’s an additional resource to top-grade your hiring practices. The Omnia Group is my longtime insurance industry partner for pre-employment assessments and talent development strategy. I love this article by Omnia senior analyst Alaina Sims on how to create a job ad to attract the right candidates. 2 Ways Benchmarking Takes Your Job Ad From 2D to High Def Omnia’s client success team will help you create a job ad for only $29.00 per ad. Please contact Senior Customer Success Manager Cynthia Brooks for assistance. Cynthia’s direct number is 813.280.3021.


  1. Thoughts from Home

The secret to building strong relationships

My life is joyfully filled by spending time with children under the age of five and seniors over the age of 85. While I don’t spend a lot of clock time with any of them, the time I do spend is unhurried. From both ends of the age spectrum, I’ve learned the secret to building strong interpersonal relationships.

Give people your undivided attention.

Some reminders on how to do that. Face the person when you are speaking. Maintain eye contact when conversing. Pay attention to what the person is saying and respond to what’s been said. Don’t change the subject. Avoid distractions and don’t multi-task. Don’t take that call. When necessary, repeat what you’ve heard.

It’s better to spend brief quality time with people than to have lengthy, distracted, and impatient visits.


  1. Thoughts from Others

“Emily, life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. Thanks so much for all you do for our company and for me. I love your Energizer Minutes.”

11 years ago, I found this note from my client’s accounting person tucked in the envelope with my check. Sadly, Tammy passed away a few years later at the age of 51. Tammy was a ray of sunshine to all who knew her. I think about her words of wisdom often. Friendship and love – that’s what life is all about.


  1. Josmo’s Café

Our friends Rosemarie and Lee visited us for lunch at Josmo’s Café and a light-hearted afternoon playing Dominos Mexican Train while enjoying Pandora’s Jim Croce station. Two recipes to share from our delightful visit. For lunch, I made the always good Chicken and Broccoli Braid. For a Sunday treat, Rosemarie shared with us her homemade Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal Cups, a delicious muffin recipe from Sally’s Baking Addiction.

Please see dozens of our recipes on the Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for May is Lighten up.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.