Category: <span>Newsletter</span>

April 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter April 2022 Issue 196


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this April 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Road
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Overcoming mediocrity

Do you get up in the morning, look in the mirror and say, “Today, I’m going to be mediocre?” I bet not.

Yet mediocrity is a funny thing. It sneaks up on you. A person can start out gung-ho about their work then BAM – an idea is shot down, there haven’t been raises in 3 years, a project doesn’t go as planned, a client is ungrateful, and coworkers are increasingly annoying. Disengagement sets in.

Here’s what I know from my consulting and coaching work. The exact same situations that manifest in mediocrity are the same situations that will drive others to be leaders.

Leadership is not about having a title or a big position. Front-line leaders are even more important to organizational success than those calling the shots.

Here are four ways to avoid mediocrity and help drive success.

Be a catalyst for positive and profitable change. When you’ve identified a stumbling block and have an idea to overcome it, be proactive. Here’s my recommended framework to state the case with the higher powers. 1. What is the issue? 2. Who is affected? 3. What’s it costing the company in time, money, loss of revenues, reputation, etc. 4. Describe your recommended solution. 5. List the benefits of the solution to all parties affected. 6. Offer to be part of the solution.

Build consensus. It’s tempting to join the crowd with complaints about changes in work environment, procedure, or position duties. It’s better for you and your employer if you help others understand the reason for the change. Voice support to coworkers for everyone to move forward together.

Train and develop others. What experience do you have that can help others do their jobs more productively and proficiently? Step up to share your knowledge and expertise.

Be a role model. We all observe others’ appearance, communication with others, work habits, office friendships, breakroom etiquette, meeting participation, etc. That means each of us is under the spotlight. When you think no one is watching, they are. Our reputations are made through simple day-to-day activities and interactions. Every day, be the best you can be.

I am inspired by the energy, optimism, and actions of the front-line leaders I work with who help drive both business and personal success. If you feel mediocrity settling in, know you can change that.


  1. Thoughts from the Road

Pressing through

I knew that look the moment I saw it.

As a frequent flyer with early boarding privileges, I had already settled into my aisle seat. I usually ignore the 100-200 people boarding after me, but for some reason I looked up. I saw a young woman frantically looking at her boarding pass and then at the seat numbers posted overhead. First time flyer I guessed. I caught her eye. “Can I help you find your seat?” I asked. “Yes,” she replied with a sigh of relief. Her seat was directly in front of me, so I helped her get herself and her bag situated. Another sigh. “Thank you so much.”

When the plane landed in Minneapolis, we exited and walked side-by-side to the nearest restroom. “Do you have a connection?” I asked. “Yes” she said, eyes wide as she looked around at the huge terminal. I told her I had loads of time and could help her find her gate. On the long walk, we chatted.

Savannah told me it was her first time flying. I smiled. She was 22 and a new dialysis technician on her way to a training class. I praised her for such a good career choice. She said the hardest part isn’t the schooling, it’s all the other stuff that scares her. Like flying. She then said with quiet determination “I’ve decided I’m not going to let things that scare me stop me from living a great life.”

Moral of the story. Consider what you are losing out on by allowing anxiety and fear (Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real) get in the way. Press through to gain new experiences and broaden your world.

Originally published December 2016


  1. Josmo’s Café

Spring is in the air! John and I are making the shift from warm comfort foods to lighter fare. Our favorite salad recipe is worth featuring again. Our friend Richard’s recipe for California Salad has yummy ingredients and a sweet homemade dressing. It’s so good it’s tempting to simply drink it from the jar! Speaking of homemade dressing, we’ve started making our own Honey Mustard Dressing using my cousin Beth’s recipe. It’s fabulous!

We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for April is The in between.

Are computers male or female? If you need a two-minute laugh, this is it!


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

March 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter March 2022 Issue 195


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this March 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Others
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Avoid these top 10 sales mistakes

Over the years, I have made them all. I hope my list of what to avoid in sales and client relations will help others.

  1. Thinking a referral is an easy sale. Just because you are recommended does not assure a sale. Do your homework, build rapport, listen to their issues. Don’t take anything for granted. Remember to thank the referral source and keep them in the loop.
  2. Not building rapport with your client. You don’t have to make a friend, but you must find commonalities.
  3. Pitching your product and services. Instead, ask questions to learn what your buyer already knows, what they need and why they need it. That information is the basis to discuss what you have to offer.
  4. Talking too much. Silence is a selling strategy.
  5. Interrupting. Let your buyer talk. You can learn about your buyer’s decision-making process, challenges, and concerns.
  6. Solving a problem they don’t believe they have. Educate first and follow their cues.
  7. Being impatient to close the sale. People buy in their time, not yours. Until the time is right, stay visible by providing relevant information.
  8. Getting defensive. If you disagree, use the feel, felt, and found technique. “I understand how you feel. Others have felt the same way and have found…”
  9. Taking things personally. Whatever is said or done, it’s not personal. Get over it.
  10. Making assumptions. If you don’t get a call back, don’t assume a reason. I’ve often assumed the worst, only to find out there is a good reason the connection was lost.


  1. Thoughts from Others

The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

 It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.

It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon…

I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it, or fade it, or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty even when it is not pretty every day. And if you can source your own life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, ‘Yes.’

It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here.

I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

from The Invitation 1994


  1. Josmo’s Café

It’s still comfort food season in the Josmo’s Café kitchen. Our Instant Pot Pot Roast is delicious and easy to make using dry onion soup mix. Our other favorite Instant Pot recipe is Instant Pot Beef Stew. If you have any stew left over, it freezes very well.

We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for March is Seasons of life.

Like many of you, I’m hooked on the daily Wordle puzzle! No surprise The Holderness Family came up with a clever music parody A Whole New WORDLE.

For more puzzle fun, the Charlotte edition of Axios published a list of offbeat versions of this popular game. Here’s their list with links to each.

  • Absurdle: Guess and play as many times as you want.
  • Dordle: Solve two puzzles at the same time. Each has different answers.
  • Hello Wordl: Play as many times as you want for words between four and 11 letters.
  • Lewdle: The dirty words version.
  • Lordle of the Rings: Wordle for Lord of the Rings.
  • Nerdle: Come up with eight “letters” in six guesses, except your letters are numbers and +, =, -, /, *.
  • Primel: Wordle for prime numbers.
  • Sweardle: Wordle for swear words.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

February 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter February 2022 Issue 194


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this February 2022 issue:

1. Thoughts from the Office
2. Thoughts from Home
3. Josmo’s Cafe
4. Stay Energized


1. Thoughts from the Office

Assess your client relationships

Many of you may have spent office time in January as I did cleaning, clearing out, and reorganizing. It was a cathartic experience. I donated a hundred or more business books that were instrumental in growing my business and creating client programs so others could benefit from the material. I threw away CIC outlines that were so old that I used overhead projector slides when teaching!

One area we often avoid in our annual upkeep is assessing our prospect and client relationships. Are our relationships delivering both the qualitative and quantitative outcomes we want? Here are some factors to assess your business relationships.

Transactional vs. relational. Is your client courteous but impersonal or friendly and personal? Do you sense there is a mutual interest in each other’s well-being?

Conflict. Opinions and approaches differ. Does your client work with you to resolve the issue or focused on winning?

Getting information. Does your client keep you informed and stay in touch or are you chasing the client for needed information?

How do you feel when working with your client? Do you feel that you can be yourself or are you on edge as if you’re being judged?

Does your client value your expertise? Does your client respect your professional advice or continually challenge you with what they read or hear from others?

Does your client respect your time? Is your client available at agreed upon times? Prepared for your meetings?

I believe that choosing the right clients who treat you as a partner is the key in achieving your business goals. Examine your client and prospect relationships. If any aren’t a good fit, act to resolve the issues. If that’s not possible, ending the connection may be necessary.


2. Thoughts from Home

10 Things I Practice for a Good Life

I hope each of you has a list of the best advice you’ve received or your principles for leading a life of good intentions. I want to share the list I follow to lead a responsible and rewarding life.

1. You can’t always be happy, but you owe it to the world to be cheerful.
2. Do 25 sit-ups and 25 pushups every day.
3. Never burn a bridge.
4. Do things to gain experience both in business and your personal life.
5. Always take the high road.
6. Being proactive drives away anxiety.
7. Let people listen to themselves.
8. Respect other people’s time.
9. Always look your best.
10. When feeling cynical or rude, ask yourself, “What does it cost you to be nice?”


3. Josmo’s Café

My slow cooker works overtime in the winter. Our new favorite recipe is Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken. If you’re working at home while it’s cooking, you’ll be able to enjoy the heavenly fragrance. Please try our other favorite slow cooker recipe if you haven’t. Crock Pot Maple Dijon Drumsticks.

We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website.


4. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for February is There’s more than one way.

Looking for more ways to experience and demonstrate gratitude? I love this list of 42 Ways to Practice Gratitude Today and Every day.

I had several readers reach out to me after reading my January 2022 Thoughts from the Office about distracting language. One question was about tip #8. I was asked what to say to avoid ending a discussion with “Does that make sense?” I suggest any of these phrases: “Feedback?” “Questions?” “Comments?” or “What do you think?”


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

January 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter January 2022 Issue 193


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this January 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Have you read..?
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Stop using distracting language

I’m not referring to swearing or using other offensive words, although both should be eliminated from speech. I want to discuss language habits that disconnect the listener from hearing your message. While that’s bad enough, there can be long-term career and advancement damage by not being an effective and clear communicator. Here are eight unprofessional speech habits I frequently hear.

  1. Using fillers. Um, uh, you know, like… During my five years as an active member of Toastmasters, this habit was broken. Anytime a person used a filler, a bell was sounded!
  2. “To be honest…”  implies you haven’t been forthright.
  3. “No problem” instead of “You’re welcome.” “No problem” undermines your experience and efficiency. State a confident “You’re welcome.”
  4. Uptalk. This is the annoying habit of ending sentences like you are asking a question.  Here’s a great 40-second example.
  5. “In my opinion…”  This segue is not needed and deflects from the message. Boldly state your thoughts.
  6. Using pronouns instead of a person’s name. “She said…” or “He said…”  I often interrupt and ask who it is they are referring to.
  7. Ending a sentence with the word “Right?”  This end-of-sentence filler gets in the way of the message. I’m at a loss at knowing what to do when I hear “Right?” Is the speaker looking for agreement? Do they want me to say something? Best to eliminate using it.
  8. “Does that make sense?” and “Know what I mean?” Remove these phrases that suggest either the speaker isn’t sure or the listener isn’t smart enough to understand.

Personal development recommendation. Record yourself a few times when you are engaged in different kinds of conversations. One-on-one meeting, client phone conversation, talking with a friend or family member. Play it back to hear what speech habits should be corrected. Noticing is the first step. Work hard to make necessary changes.


  1. Have you read…?


Matthew McConaughey’s autobiography Greenlights had been on multiple bestseller lists for a year. A year! Because my curiosity outweighed my skepticism, I put a hold on the e-book at my library. There was a twelve week wait! It was worth the wait.

It was his roles in Dallas Buyers Club and True Detective that turned me into a huge fan. I hadn’t expected his life story and his approach to life to be so interesting. One of the many surprises I had reading the book was how he transitioned from cool dude and rom-com actor to a serious Oscar-winning performer. McConaughey is a risk taker, philosopher, poet, excellent autobiographical writer, and still a cool dude.

One of my favorite pieces from the book is an early entry from McConaughey’s many journals. “We are not here to tolerate our differences, we are here to accept them. We are not here to celebrate our sameness, we are here to salute our distinctions. We are not born into equal circumstances, or with equal abilities, but we should have equal opportunity. As individuals, we unite in our values. Celebrate that.”

Here are video clips to enjoy. The actor’s breakout role as David Wooderson in Dazed and Confused and his famous chest-beating scene from The Wolf of Wall Street as well as the story of how it ended up in the movie.

I hope you’ll be as enlightened, inspired, and amused when you read Greenlights as I was.


  1. Josmo’s Café

I love sheet pan dinners! Easy to prepare, hands-off cooking, and easy clean up. Sheet Pan Parmesan-Dijon Chicken Thigh Dinner was a featured recipe on The flavor is wonderful. Perfect for a cold January dinner.

Our other two favorite sheet pan chicken recipes previously posted on Josmo’s Café are Sheet Pan Vinegar Chicken and Lemon and Herb-Roasted Chicken Thighs.

We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for January is 25 years of ABC’s.

Please help me salute…

Two of my long-time clients retired in December having made incalculable contributions to the insurance industry, mentored countless professionals, and contributed enormously to the communities they served. I hope you’ll raise your glass with me to recognize my friends Nathan Einstein and Marvin Freedman.

In 1958, Nathan Einstein joined his father-in-law William Rosenfeld in the insurance business in Greenville, SC, establishing Rosenfeld Einstein. In 2012 the firm merged with Marsh & McLennan Agency. Nathan, most recently chairman of Rosenfeld Einstein, has an unequalled work ethic and is committed to education and knowledge. I’ve not worked with another whose love of taking care of his clients is any greater.

Here’s a note I received from Nathan after he read my June 2020 newsletter piece about sales during the pandemic shutdown. “Your message is a real reminder that selling is an “art form.” To be really successful you have to work hard and smart! There are no gifts in our industry. Everything is earned because of skill level and presentation skills.” Nathan lived these words every day in his successful 63-year career.

Marvin Freedman, 91, is retiring after 70 years in the insurance business and five decades running the Anchor Agency. A sign in his office reads, “No one has endurance like the man who sells insurance.” He proved that right!

Marvin dropped out of law school when his father, who sold insurance, died at 53. He had to help his mother support the family. After selling insurance, he joined forces with two other agents and formed Anchor Insurance in 1960 in downtown Albany, NY. Marvin treated his employees like family. When he sold the business in 2016 to Pioneer Bank, the new owners understood that Marvin’s leadership, knowledge, and established client trust were invaluable to assure continuity and success.

Both men are leaving an invaluable legacy. Thank you Nathan and Marvin for mentoring and encouraging me as I’ve grown my business.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

December 2021

Strategies for Success Newsletter December 2021 Issue 192


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2021 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this December 2021 issue:

  1. Thoughts from Others
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from Others

The Wisdom of Mister Rogers

Fred Rogers (1928-2003), best known as Mister Rogers from the television show “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” which aired from 1968-2001, personified and inspired kindness, understanding, and compassion. I recently learned that my 3-year-old great nephew who lives with his parents in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, is a huge fan. Akiva watches episodes available through YouTube TV channels. Fred Rogers was born in Latrobe, Pennsylvania and the show was produced at WQED studios in Pittsburgh. We Pittsburghers feel particular kinship to this extraordinary man.

Here are some of Fred’s quotes most meaningful to me.

“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”

“It’s the very wrestling with our problems that can be the impetus for our growth.”

“In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.”

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'”

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”

Looking for more Mister Rogers’ inspiration? Read the book The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember and watch the marvelous Tom Hanks and Michael Rhys 2019 movie “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.”

A bit of Mister Rogers trivia. 143 was his code for “I love you,” a numerical shorthand derived from the number of letters in each word. He used the number in the Neighborhood and even in real life. Learn why he maintained his 143-pound body weight for decades.


  1. Thoughts from Home

Kids love cards

About 15 years ago when they were toddlers, I began sending picture postcards from my travel destinations to my cousins Quincey and Nathan. They loved getting mail and seeing where I visited. Of course, a map of the US and a globe were great gifts to complement the postcards.

Over the years, I’ve added more young ones to the list including friends’ children and grandchildren. Since the kids love getting mail, I began sending Valentine, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and other assorted greeting cards. As the list grew, I began using mailing labels. I sent 20 cards this past Halloween. I’ve created an expectation monster. It’s quite humorous that the teenagers tell me they still like getting my cards!

I believe that my joy of sending cards and the feedback I receive from both parents and children is greater than their delight in receiving them. If you’re not already sending frequent cards to the children in your life, I hope you’ll start!


  1. Josmo’s Café

We spent ten glorious days in November with John’s brother, Pat, and his wife Tommi in Snowmass, Colorado. Tommi is a talented cook and cook and bake she did! I have three recipes to share that Tommi made for us during our visit. All are perfect for holiday entertaining. They are Wild Rice Sausage Stuffing, Cranberry Apple Raspberry Pie, and Orange Pomegranate Salad with Honey.  Enjoy!

Looking for more great recipes? We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for December is Missing Loved Ones.

Kick off this festive month with iconic songs for Chanukah and Christmas.

John and I wish you the happiest of holiday seasons!


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2021 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

November 2021

Strategies for Success Newsletter November 2021 Issue 191


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2021 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this November 2021 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from the Road
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Haste makes waste

My paper shredder has been dependable for years. It’s an old household model and handles only five pages at a time, but chomps staples quite efficiently.  For my home-based office use, it’s all I need.

I had accumulated a tall stack of business and financial documents to be shredded. I was in a hurry. I figured it would take about thirty minutes to shred all the paper. All was going smoothly until I thought “What the heck, I’ll go for six pages at a time!” I put in six pages for several batches. So far so good. Then I got impatient. Not only was I feeding it beyond its limit, I inserted the paper faster. Sure enough, the paper shredder jammed, buzzed, and shut down. Even the reverse mode didn’t help correct the damage I had caused. What a mess! I then wasted 30 minutes while the shredder cooled down enough to restart and another few minutes to unjam the paper stuck in the feed. I had no one to blame but myself for being impatient and ignoring instructions.

Moral of the story. Be careful about pushing the limits. Speeding things up can slow things down.

Originally published February 2009


  1. Thoughts from the Road

Being in nature brings out our best self

Lucky us in North and South Carolina to have the Carolina Thread Trail. The trail is a network of about 300 miles of trails and greenways and 170 miles of blueways connecting 15 counties in our two states. Under the parent organization Catawba Lands Conservancy, 88 local governments have collaborated for funding, land acquisition, design, and construction to create something to be enjoyed by all. Bravo to that!

I’ve been spending a lot of time finding and exploring trails within an hour drive that meander through forests, over bridges across creeks, and along old railroad lines. Most distances are short with difficulty levels easy or moderate making hiking the trails simply an enjoyable walk with nature.

After a soothing walk in the woods, it’s hard to hold on to worry, anger, or fear. For me, those feelings are replaced with an abundance of kindness, patience, and understanding.

Appreciating the beauty, the sounds, the smells, and the peace of being in nature with no agenda other than to enjoy brings out the best in all of us. I hope you’ll explore the trails and greenways in your community to discover what the experience does for you.


  1. Josmo’s Café

My Crockpot and Instant Pot have been busy the past month. Pea soup (Honey Baked Ham bone and their pea soup mix is the best), corned beef (adding a bottle of beer to the water makes it extra tasty), and our reliable Beef Stew were all delicious dinners last month. Our newest addition to slow cooker fare is Cranberry Maple Shredded Chicken.  It’s great as a sandwich or served over a baked potato. Enjoy!

I have a new Pumpkin Cranberry Nut Bread on the site. My friends tell me it has the best combination of the fall spices we love.

Looking for more great recipes? We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for November is Assume the Best.

Anyone else an Apple TV+ Ted Lasso fan? I’m hooked! It was only after the show’s huge Emmy sweep that I began watching. I tuned in expecting laughter and got much more. I was enthralled by the story, the music, and the life lessons. Much has been written about Ted’s leadership style for good reason. I even bought the poster of Ted’s Rules for Living for meaningful daily smiles and reminders.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2021 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

October 2021

Strategies for Success Newsletter October 2021 Issue 190


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2021 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this October 2021 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

What do you do after the sale is made?

Congratulations on the great success you’ve had attracting new clients this year! As a true professional, you analyzed client risk and recommended appropriate coverages, offered a better insurance product, and were consistently reliable and responsive in your interactions. How do you keep this positive client engagement going?

  1. Make an “I’m thinking about you” phone call to check in 30 days after the sale is complete.
  2. Help your clients grow their business. Refer them good business opportunities and employee candidates.
  3. Stay abreast of their industry. Read your clients’ trade publications. Forward them articles of interest.
  4. Connect your clients to knowledgeable people who can positively influence their business success.
  5. Follow your clients’ online presence. Acknowledge achievements and business or personal news with personal notes.
  6. Provide a mid-term review of their account to uncover changes in their business, new coverage needs, or review a claim that has occurred.
  7. Send a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter with great content that both personalizes and adds value to your business relationship.

The payback is great using these strategies. You will retain the business. Your clients will refer business to you. Your reputation is enhanced which builds career security. Create an effective after-the-sale plan and your business will thrive!


  1. Thoughts from Home

We mimic those we spend time with

Out-of-town guests were visiting our neighbors over Labor Day weekend. I heard the visiting dog long before I saw him. There is no mistaking the distinctive howl of a bloodhound. Hearing that sound took me back many years when I lived in Chicago and owned a beautiful collie named Molly. She looked just like Lassie.

When I traveled, I boarded the dog with a family who bred bloodhounds. When I would pick Molly up from their home after a few days, instead of her familiar collie bark, she howled like a bloodhound.

Moral of the story. Without conscious effort, we pick up the sounds and traits of those we spend time with. We need to be aware of that. It’s okay to limit time or let go of people you don’t want to sound like or be like.


  1. Josmo’s Café

A loud shout out to Nan’s Naughty and Nice owner and friend Peggy Hansen! Nan’s Bloody Mary mix was the featured cooking segment on the We Are Green Bay morning show. The hosts enjoyed drinking the virgin (so they said!) Bloody Mary’s and munching the appetizer tacos Peggy had made. Peggy was asked about the history of Nan’s, other recipes, and where to buy the products. It was a great segment! Order your Nan’s Naughty and Nice for holiday entertaining and gift-giving!

Mediterranean Orzo Salad is our featured recipe this month. I’ve made it several times for company over the past few months. Our guests request the recipe and say yes when asked if they want to take some home. Sure signs of a great dish!

Pumpkin fans – don’t forget to make our favorite Frosted Pumpkin Cake recipe this month.

Looking for more great recipes? We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for October is Embrace Your Senses.

I believe the secret to staying energized is continual self-work. My reading this past month includes two books. The Café on the Edge of World: A Story About the Meaning of Life by John Strelecky and Martha Beck’s new book The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self.

Both books challenge us to examine if the lives we are leading are what we want through our own choosing or what others or society expects from us. John Strelecky’s book is a short, insightful, and enjoyable story. It’s the first in a series café books. Martha Beck’s book is a deep dive and workbook for self-examination.

If you’re sorting out how the pandemic affected you and what to do with those emotions, these are two good books to start with.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2021 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

September 2021

Strategies for Success Newsletter September 2021 Issue 189


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2021 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this September 2021 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Frame language to open possibilities

“Don’t take this the wrong way.” “You may not like this.” You probably don’t want to know this.”

How do you feel when you hear those words? I immediately get anxious about what’s going to be said next. I think the worst and don’t listen very well to what follows. Framing the conversation with those negatives thoughts effects my response.

What is framing? Framing is using language that influences ideas, thoughts, and solutions.  Through the words we choose, we “frame” a situation. In 1981, Israeli psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman conducted ground-breaking studies that indicated that the context and phrasing of the same problem in terms of gains or losses alters the choice made by participants. Michael Lewis’ book The Undoing Project digs deep into the friendship, lives, and accomplishments of these two brilliant men. Fascinating reading!

Autumn is the time businesses have planning meetings. How a general discussion question is framed can either shut down conversation or set up an environment to facilitate positive, purposeful, and productive idea sharing. Consider these examples of shifting language from negative to positive intention.

Say this…”What did we do well this year that we can build on in order to achieve results next year?”  Instead of this…”What should we have done differently to achieve objectives?”

Say this… “Describe the skills and qualities of our top performers.”  Instead of “What skills are lacking in our staff?”

Say this… “What customer-used technology gets the most use and why?”  Instead of “What do we need to do to get our customers to use our technology?”

Think about the words you use to begin a conversation and see for yourself how positive framing can change the outcome.


  1. Thoughts from Home

Personal ethics

What if someone shares a personal story that reveals an ethical standard that differs from your own?

At a social gathering, you meet a couple who tell you that she lost an expensive item of jewelry. With the help of the retailer, they change the purchase date of this item, add it to their insurance policy, report it as lost, and receive a settlement from the insurance company. The replacement item is re-purchased from the same retailer.

When challenged, they tell you it was just a matter of timing, it wasn’t fraud. Huh?

What’s your measure of right and wrong?  Severity of the crime? Was a law broken? Impact on others? Financial gain or loss? Lost sleep?

Moral of the story. Thankfully, we have a choice both in our own ethical decisions as well as whom we choose to associate with based on theirs.

Summer rerun – reprinted from February 2007


  1. Josmo’s Café

Our friend Mary Beth does it again! She brought Ooey Gooey Butter Cake  to a weekend getaway. The knife never left the pan! We all would walk by and take just a sliver of this buttery creamy dessert made famous by Paula Deen. What a great way to sweeten the end of a summer meal!

Looking for more great recipes? We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for September is Relax and Just Be.

Feeling a bit too much togetherness with your spouse? My favorite NPR show Hidden Brain had another interesting and insightful rebroadcast last month called When did marriage become so hard? Eli Finkel, author of the book The All-or-Nothing Marriage: How the Best Marriages Work was interviewed by host Shankar Vedantam in 2018. Scroll down the Hidden Brain homepage to find many other great shows.

John and I are back to out-of-state armchair travel. The Discoverer Blog has a terrific post featuring five beautiful and often overlooked Midwest states. Yes, North Dakota, you’re on their list and mine!


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2021 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

August 2021

Strategies for Success Newsletter August 2021 Issue 188


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2021 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this August 2021 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Have you read….?
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized

Note: Many readers did not receive our July newsletter. Heightened cyber security caused many servers to reject the message. With in-person business happening again, I provided an 8-point refresher course on proper table manners and discussed Ralph Waldo Emerson’s strategies in developing resilience during trying times. A delicious Peach Bundt Cake was our recipe of the month. Enjoy!


  1. Thoughts from the Office

A consulting and speaking colleague of mine, Lisa Copeland, RDH, CSP, CVP, president of Communicate with Influence, discusses the importance of emotional safety with her dental practice clients. Reading her newsletter, I realized her principles apply to all businesses. Lisa has given me permission to share her six pillars of emotional safety with you.

What is emotional safety in the workplace? It is creating space that allows for courageous conversations and enforces a unified work environment where innovation thrives.

Lisa identifies six actions and behaviors for teams to practice in all coworker interactions.

  1. Applaud individualism. Recognize and reward people for their unique superpowers.
  2. Promote diversity and inclusion. Exclusion of any kind can manifest into an unhealthy and unsafe emotional environment.
  3. Positive coaching. Recognizing and reinforcing positive behaviors support more positive behaviors.
  4. Build trust. Trust begins with cultivating relationships that increase slowly over time. Support and appreciate each other.
  5. Practice empathy. Take time to recognize what team members need, particularly when stress comes into play.
  6. Maintain alignment in business practices. Involve the team in updating processes and protocols to promote engagement and improve performance and accountability.
Moral of the story. Employees treat clients the same way they perceive they are being treated. It is imperative for businesses to provide an emotionally safe environment for the health of individuals and the organization.


  1. Have you read….?

What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Oprah Winfrey and Bruce D. Perry.

Oprah and Dr. Perry have created a meaningful, insightful, and compassionate book explaining how our life experiences from birth combined with scientific brain development manifest our behaviors and reactions in all parts of our life. The book is constructed in an easy-to-follow conversational format which is how Oprah best communicates and unearths information.

This book is for everyone who wants to understand himself/herself better, not just those who are seeking relief from replayed trauma. As the book states early on, “So many phenomena of everyday life are directly linked to this process of the brain making sense of the world by creating associations and making memories. This is why asking “What happened to you?” is so important in understanding what is going on with you now.”


  1. Josmo’s Café

Summertime and the grillin’ is easy…. Grilled Potato Packets  are easy and delicious. Get creative with a variety of seasonings and ingredients. Mushrooms on the Grill were a previous posted recipe. Still great!

Josmo’s Kitchen Tip – Chopping onions brings me to tears! This tip works! Place a wet paper towel next to the cutting board while you are chopping. The theory is that the acid the onion releases is attracted to the wet paper towel, not your eyes and nose. Whatever the reason, I hope it works as well for you as it does for me.

Looking for more great recipes? We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for August is Living in Abundance.

I’ve been catching up on Hidden Brain podcasts recently. I always learn something new. This NPR show is hosted by Shankar Vedantam. The June 28, 2021, 52-minute episode (rebroadcast from February 2020) is titled The Influence You Have. Powerful and relevant information to feel less stressed about selling yourself and your ideas.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2021 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

July 2021

Strategies for Success Newsletter July 2021 Issue 187


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2021 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this July 2021 issue:

  1. Thoughts from the Office
  2. Thoughts from Home
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Mind your (table) manners

I wrote about the importance of practicing proper table etiquette in an earlier newsletter. Now that we’re resuming having meals with clients and colleagues, I thought the topic should be revisited. Proper table etiquette is as important to professionalism as competency and knowledge. Here are some helpful table etiquette hints.

  • Place your napkin on your lap immediately upon being seated. If the silverware is wrapped in the napkin, place the silverware in the traditional position in front of you after you’ve unwrapped it.
  • Your bread plate is on the left, glassware on the right. Here’s an easy way to remember that. Put your hands in front of you with the back of your hands facing up. Make an O with your thumb and index finger on each hand. Your left hand shapes a B for bread and your right hand shapes a D for drink.
  • Bread eating has its own etiquette. Bread should be placed on the bread plate not on the dinner plate. Butter served from a serving dish should be placed on the bread plate, not directly on the bread. Bread should be torn and not cut with a knife. Using your bread knife, place the butter from your bread plate onto the bread.
  • Maintain good body posture. Sit up straight in your chair with your feet on the floor. Keep your elbows and arms off the table. While eating and drinking, your non-dominant hand and arm should be on your lap.
  • Most of us eat in the traditional American style. We cut a piece of food using a knife and fork, then lay down the knife, place the fork in our dominant hand, and take a bite. Do not cut your all your food at one time. It may not seem efficient, but that’s proper etiquette.
  • When you have finished eating, don’t push your plate away from you or stack your plates.  Leave your plate where it is in the place setting. The common way to show the server that you have finished your meal is to lay your fork and knife diagonally across your plate. Place your knife and fork side by side, with the sharp side of the knife blade facing inward and the fork, tines down, to the left of the knife. The knife and fork should be placed as if they are pointing to the numbers 10 and 4 on a clock face.
  • Once you have used a piece of silverware, do not place it back on the table. Do not leave a used spoon in a cup, either; place it on the saucer.
  • Do not talk with your mouth full of food. The best way to remember this is to close your mouth when chewing. It makes it impossible to talk at the same time.

The casual table manners we have been using at home over the past 15 months will not serve us well in business. Demonstrate professionalism each time you share a table with a business associate whether in the breakroom or dining out.


  1. Thoughts from Home

The Power of Resilience

The Wall Street Journal recently published an inspiring column titled What Emerson Can Teach Us About Resilience by Mark Edmundson. Mr. Edmundson is a professor of English at the University of Virginia.

Our resilience, defined as the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens, has been tested over the past year. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ideas about how to deal with suffering and loss do not include self-care and healing as many in our current culture recommend. Instead, Mr. Edmundson says, “he offers an aggressive affirmation of the will and of work.”

The author refers to Emerson’s essay “Power,” in which Emerson contemplates how children who instinctively withdraw when they are slighted, miss the prize or lose the game will be at a serious disadvantage in adult life. “But if they have the buoyancy and resistance that preoccupies them with new interest in the new moment, – the wounds cicatrize, and the fiber is the tougher for the hurt.”

Emerson’s philosophy to recovering from loss came from his own experiences. He lost his 19-year-old wife Ellen to tuberculosis and his son Waldo died of scarlet fever at the age of 5. Emerson recovered by immersing himself in his work, his two surviving children and his second wife.

I like how Mr. Edmundson ends his column. He notes that Emerson “understood that we all must seek what is best for ourselves in our own way. But at a moment when loss, deprivation and suffering are fresh in our hearts and minds, he steps forward with a different mode of response. Don’t make yourself a patient, don’t plump the mattress or pickle yourself in Cabernet. Instead, make life more demanding than it has been. Be tougher on yourself; fill your mind with your tasks and go after them, hard. When we’re down, we need to get up and fight as best we can—not tomorrow, but now. Remember, “power ceases in the instant of repose.”


  1. Josmo’s Café

We love peach season! Peach Bundt Cake is the newest addition to our peach recipe list. It’s very easy to make. Our past peach recipes include Ina Garten’s Fresh Peach Cake and last year’s most popular recipe Peach Sorbet from Canned Peaches. I have canned peaches on my shelf right now to make it for our July 4 company.

John and I wish you a peachy-keen month of July!

Looking for more great recipes? We have over 100 recipes on our Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Our Energizer Minute for July is called Debrief after disappointment.

On the road again in the USA… After living vicariously when reading The Discover Blog for the past year, I’m finding it much more fun to read about places to visit while planning our next adventures. Two of my favorite blogs are 5 Essential Midwest Road Trips and The Best Road Trip in Each State. Even if you’re not traveling yet, the pictures on the blogs will transport you to beautiful places.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact

© 2021 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.