November 2023
Strategies for Success Newsletter November 2023 Issue 215
Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2023 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.
In this November 2023 issue:
- Thoughts from Home
- Thoughts from the Office
- Josmo’s Cafe
- Stay Energized
- Thoughts from Home
Keeping score
A lot of people keep score.
If a neighbor is nice to you, you are nice to them. If you ask a friend for a favor, you reciprocate sometime later. When you invite a person to an event or out for a meal, you expect the other person to initiate an invitation later. There is a problem with that philosophy. Life doesn’t always work out the way you’d like it to.
Sometime ago I decided to quit keeping score. As level-headed John puts it, some people are callers and others are callees. We have friends we totally enjoy, but we seem to be the ones who always initiate connecting.
Not keeping score has been a blessing. It’s enabled me to be sincere in what I do without thinking of how it will be reciprocated. I’m grateful for what’s offered to me without self-imposed beliefs of what I should do in return.
If you’re a scorekeeper, please consider this. Don’t keep score and see where your heart takes you.
Reprinted from previous newsletter
- Thoughts from the Office
Form Relationships Based on Trust
I recently read the intriguing and complex Pulitzer-prize winning book Trust by Hernan Diaz. It’s a novel about power, money, and deception set during the 1920’s on Wall Street. The irony of the book title to the story themes is obvious.
In my first book, Selling in a Hard Market, the first chapter is titled Form Relationships Based on Trust. I believe the key points in that chapter are as relevant today as they were 20 years ago. See what you think.
“Trust is what holds business relationships together through uncertainty, competition, and a changing marketplace. The foundations of trust relationships are:
- Mutual respect and understanding
- Consistent delivery of your business practices
- Shared objectives
- Strong interpersonal relationships
Let’s examine each one to see how you and your agency currently measure up.
- Mutual respect and understanding are established between you and your clients when you demonstrate that you understand your clients’ businesses, challenges, and successes. Stay abreast of their industry, competition, and customer and vendor relationships.
- Consistent delivery of your business practices is attained when everyone on your agency team adheres to the highest level of service. Give your clients no reason to doubt that you can deliver.
- As your clients’ businesses grow and their needs change, learn what objectives they have so that you can assist them in managing their own risk. It may be time for a client to hire a loss control specialist or human resources administrator. These changes affect their insurance program needs.
- Maintaining strong personal relationships is at the core of creating trust. People want to do business with people who care about them and are active in their world. Frequent client contact by your entire service team demonstrates commitment and professionalism. Stay visible by sending articles of interest, newsletters, and note cards or by attending business, civic, and community functions.
Without these fundamentals in place, a client may lose faith in your ability to do the job.”
- Josmo’s Café
It’s soup season! Soups can take a lot of time to make. This Red Lentil Soup does not. Lentils are soft and in about 30 minutes you’ll have a warm, yummy, and pretty soup to serve. Enjoy!
Remember to check out our 100+ list of recipes on the Josmo’s Café website page.
Make Quality Customer Service your agency’s focus in 2024
Clients tell me that my three books – Selling from the Inside, Selling in a Hard Market, and Great Service Sells – continue to be valuable tools in developing a team culture to build relationships, retain business, and get referrals. Order single copies online from our Book Store. Quantity discount pricing is $10.00 a book (mix and match) for orders of 25 or more plus shipping. Please reach out if interested in quantity orders.
- Stay Energized
Like most adults who spend time with impressionable children, I pay attention to being a good role model. Ella, my six-and-a-half-year-old neighbor, was washing her sticky little hands in my kitchen sink. She reached for a paper towel to dry her hands. I stopped her and told her that she should use my kitchen towel instead of using a paper towel. She complied. As she handed me the kitchen towel, she looked at the large roll of paper towels and asked, “Then why do you have them?” Smart kid.
It reminded me that I need to replace my kitchen counter paper towels with a sustainable product that I already use for cleaning. Soft Landings reusable soft cloth towel is our number one choice for cleaning the house, the car, polishing, and things that require a scratch-free cloth including children’s food-covered faces. Soft Landing towels come on a convenient perforated roll and are made to be washed in the washing machine. Towels can be used multiple times making them an affordable and smart way to help protect the environment.
On the topic of making more eco-friendly choices, we have started using Kind Laundry Detergent Sheets. Zero waste, environmentally friendly, and easy on clothes.
We recommend giving both products a try!
Our Energizer Minute for November is titled See what your customers see.
Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.
Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact
© 2023 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.