October 2022

October 2022

Strategies for Success Newsletter October 2022 Issue 202


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2022 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this October 2022 issue:

  1. Thoughts from Home
  2. Thoughts from the Office
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from Home

“I believe in you, Miss Emily. Keep practicing.”

Those are the reassuring words of encouragement spoken to me by Ella, our five-and-a-half-year-old neighbor.

Here’s what happened. John and Ella were happily whistling. John’s a very good whistler and Ella, under John’s tutelage, keeps getting better and better. Me – I have never been able to whistle. Ella and John were doing their best to teach me. Try this. Try that. Unfortunately, I had no success. I let out a discouraged sigh. Then that sweet little girl uttered those kind and caring words, “I believe in you, Miss Emily. Keep practicing.”

Moral(s) of the story. Never underestimate the importance of encouraging others. With comments like that from children, I know the future is in good hands.

I’m still practicing!


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Cultural values simplified

It’s time to start 2023 strategic planning.

New employees, a combination of remote, office, and hybrid workers, and flexible work schedules are wreaking havoc with sustaining a shared and consistent business culture.

Three reminders on why shared cultural values are critical. Shared values set uniform performance expectations regardless of position. The individual words in the statement provide organizational focus and help drive specific change. The terminology is a springboard for valuable discussions on the benefit of the values to the employee, coworkers, clients, business partners, and attaining profitable business growth.

Here are examples of simplified slogans that support the cultural values of businesses I’ve worked with.

Relationships, Retention, Referrals

Be the Difference

Excellence Service Professionalism

Proactive Personalize Protect

Initiative Professionalism Innovation

Customers First

Service Opportunity Accountability Relationships

Simplified, memorable, and meaningful slogans that clarify purpose and practices help individuals and organizations achieve desired results.


  1. Josmo’s Café

John and I are tired of plain old grilled chicken. I have a new baked chicken recipe to share that we love. Chicken, Spinach, Tomato & Basil Feta Roll-Ups.  It’s a perfect meal to make ahead then pop it in the oven for 30 minutes.

Pumpkin products are once again filling my kitchen shelves. I’ve been enjoying pumpkin yoghurt, pumpkin Goldfish crackers and Tate’s pumpkin cookies along with my pumpkin-flavored coffee. John just turns up his nose, so more for me!

Store-bought sweets cannot compare to homemade! I’ll be making our very favorite Frosted Pumpkin Cake Squares and Pumpkin Cranberry Nut Bread very soon. Each recipe calls for ½ can of pumpkin, so I make both the same day. Why mess up the kitchen two times?

No surprise that the Kim Holderness has a new four-minute video titled If Pumpkin Spice Was a Person. Hilarious!

Please see dozens of our recipes on the Josmo’s Café page on the website.


  1. Stay Energized

Words of wisdom said by Queen Elizabeth II.

“Grief is the price we pay for love.”

“It’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps that bring about the most lasting change.”

“It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult.”

“We may hold different points of view, but it is in times of stress and difficulty that we most need to remember that we have much more in common than there is dividing us.”

Our Energizer Minute for October is Don’t be a victim.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact emily@sellingstrategies.com.

© 2022 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

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